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Looking for Pvp Guilds on both republic and imperial side


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I have a Balance Sage in full Warhero gear (minus the armorings in belt & bracers which are Advanced Force Wielder 26) So I am looking for a pvp guild to join. Wouldn't mind doing rateds but not asking to be on your main team. Just want to be in a guild that queues alot together as pugging can be very frustrating. Skill wise I am above average (I'd say about a 7) Play the objectives and do what is needed to win. Will throw heals if we dont have a healer in group. I dont do pve at all except dailies for credits. If you are looking to add depth to your guild hit me up in game or leave me your website info here.




I have a Hybrid Healer (level 49 now) Will be very well geared when I hit 50. Had my sage farm the warhero gear plus Have max comms now. Again Wouldn't mind doing rateds but not asking to be on your main team. Just Looking for a guild that likes to win and groups up alot so we dont have to Pug. I dont do pve at all except dailies for credits. If you are looking to add depth to your guild hit me up in game or leave me your website info here.


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I got all sad when I saw that no one loved me. I mean Way back when this server was made I thought you know everything will be different here. People will love my Dickish ways. I would become Jedi Covenant Prom King. But nope it never happened that way. I wasn't even voted servers best DICK (damn you Dargos) Then bioware was a big bully and took away my voice.

In the end all worked out well as I found being in a guild is pretty lame. I mean if I queued up with other people I wouldnt be able to leave a warzone when I see that half my team has 23k health, I couldn't rage quit when some random superstar losses a node cause he ALT TAB to watch



The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel

Edited by rlamela
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