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<Pandamonium> est. 2004 | 21+ | Progressive PvE Focus


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Pandamonium now has 7 Ops teams in play. In addition we have a number of specialty Ops groups that don't have weekly schedules but offer members a pleasant change of pace and a bit of light hearted fun away from the serious business of weekly raiding. Our recently organized Ladies Night has been such a success that it is becoming a regular event. In addition we're looking into a Republic Night where members can log into our Republic side guild and do a little raiding from the Light side. We're also working on a PvP night where we will either put together PvP teams to terrorize the Warzones or where guild members can enjoy a little intra-guild rivalry with friends by logging on to their favorite Imperial or Pub toon and playing a bit of hide and seek (and KILL) in the Warzones.


Pandamonium has alot of fun opportunities for the adventerous gamer.

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Last night 5 of our 7 operation teams were raiding, all at the same time (the team schedules just happened to work out that way). That's 40 people all taking down boss mobs, in SM KP, HM Denova, SM TMB, and HM TMB. Lots of variation and opportunity. If raiding with nice people is your thing, this might be the perfect home for you. Edited by Kaisa
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Despite having 7 raid teams, the guild is still a pretty laid back/casual environment. Between them all, there's almost a perfect blend of progression, with one gearing up through HM EV/KP all the way up through one that's recently completed HM TFB. And even if the teams themselves don't have openings, there's still the Monday Guild Ops night that allows others to get into raiding as well.


We're definitely interested in downing boss and getting sweet loot, but it's almost always done in a pretty understanding/laid back kind of way. My raid team takes a 15-20 min break both nights to allow me to put my daughter to bed. No one has ever been upset that we had to take a break; it just usually transforms into a semi-nude dance party.


Don't want to raid? C'mon over to Mumble and just chat with fellow guildies while you do space missions, HM FPs, level alts, etc. Some...enlightening...conversations occur there. :eek:

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8-man HM TFB cleared recently. Did a 16-man clear of SM TFB last night just for fun. Raiding opportunities even for those not on a dedicated ops team. Recruitment open. Check us out.


Are there any opening for Ani Mara DPS in groups that are doing TFB hard mode?.

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Are there any opening for Ani Mara DPS in groups that are doing TFB hard mode?.


All of our operation teams are currently full to permanent spots. However, given that there are 7 teams with 5 of them working on HM TFB (and NM Denova), sub spots are a common occurrence. Definite opportunities while waiting for a new team to form.


Do any of the ops groups being after 9:30pm EST?


No. Two start at 9 and one at 8:45, but none later.


I would like to speak with someone before I apply please. I have some questions.


I think all of your questions have been answered. And welcome to the family. ;-)

Edited by Kaisa
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More than a few running raid teams, with guild events and lots of random runs. You never know when someone will ask for help with dailies, getting your daily HM FP in, or even the SM EV/KP weekly ops.
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Pandamonium has expanded the number of open operations available to guild members to Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. On Mondays we have guild ops night, the target could be anything. On Wednesday nights we have two open operations runs for coms, one starting at 8 pm Eastern and one starting at 9 pm Eastern. These groups typically run TFB, EC, and either EV or KP (45 Black Hole coms) through the first two bosses for the weekly coms rewards and to help newer members gear up. On Friday night there are usually two more coms runs, one doing KP Nightmare and a random story mode for coms (17 Black Hole coms) and usually another one doing the TFB, EC, EV/KP run. These events give guild members currently without a regular ops team the opportunity to raid and it provides all guild members with a chance to earn Black Hole coms.


Good deal? You bet, because Pandamonium is a great guild with alot of really fun and helpful people. Bad apples don't last long here, so if you're planning on applying bring a good attitude and a determination to have fun and help each other.

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Pandamonium has continued to grow since the last server merge into one of the premier adult guilds on the server. We have a full compliment of raid teams spanning most ability levels and an active guild website with forum postings that cover everything in and out of game. Take a look to see what we're all about by visiting http://www.pandamoniumguild.com and then take the time to fill out an app if you feel like you're a good fit! Edited by Evarie
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All operations content cleared with the exception of NiM Kephess, but he'll join his comrades soon. We're considering the formation of a new team in January (team #8), so definitely room for folks looking to raid and socialize.
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If you're a veteran MMO'er or a new player looking for a guild home, take a look at Pandamonium. We have a GREAT website that is active and constantly updated (check it out at http://www.pandamoniumguild.com)! If you have questions, feel free to find one of us in-game. Our multiple raid teams are in all phases of progression. We have a lot of fun on voice chat and we have active players on at all hours of the day and night. Don't spend another boring game day in LFG, come make some noise with Pandamonium!
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I've put an application in on your website within the last 24 hours. I look forward to hearing back from you.





Welcome to the guild Puunal! :)

Edited by Kaisa
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Pandamonium is proud to announce that we're a Canadian friendly guild--no immigration restrictions, no green cards and equal opportunites await our friends from the Great White North.


Beauty, eh?


PS. We haz cookies...even reindeer shaped cookies.

Edited by Syntillate
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In a world where famous movie trailer voice-overs are sadly lacking, there is a guild......PANDAMONIUM!


We're full of good-natured, slightly crazy adults who spend alot of time running flashpoints, dailies, ops and general shenanigans. If you're disappointed by your shrinkage (your GUILD shrinkage - hey, it's cold in space!:rolleyes:) then it's time to check us out. See what we're all about at http://www.pandamoniumguild.com

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