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<Emperor's Hammer> is recruiting!


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Any players joining the Jedi Covenant Server that are looking for a new guild come join the Emperor's Hammer. We are very friendly and helpful to all new members regardless of toon level and player skill level. We also have a few raid teams and looking to create more for 16 man raids. Also in the process of setting up a ranked pvp team or two as well. Check us out at http://www.emperorshammer.net and come join a Star Wars gaming club in existance since 1994!! If interested send an in-game mail to Ezria or Starkillerny and we'll work something out!
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As a member of the Emperor's Hammer I would like to state that if you have any questions about the Emperor's Hammer you can contact me here or look up the Emperor's Hammer in-game and we can/will answer any questions that you might have about our guild.
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