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Ebon Hawk PvP Shout-outs


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Shout-out to Caigor for calling me a FoTM chaser and a baddie who will QQ when I get nerfed!


<3 Arash


Lmao. That is all.


EDIT: Going to give a shoutout to Arash as well. Made Ranked much harder :rak_03: and costed me a win a few times. Glad you were able to grab the 1500 rating that you deserve.

Edited by Luckeyduckey
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We had a Novarre coast tonight in mid bracket where the first 5-10 minutes of it was our team getting absolutely destroyed. We somehow managed to grab two nodes, and hold them for the 8 to 0 win. Great game to everyone. That was pretty much like the 69 New York Mets beating the 27 Yankees.


Me being the idiot I am, said that the game was over at 100 to 27 (or thereabouts) in chat. Being wrong isn't usually that cool, in any case.

Edited by Stanimir
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Shout out to the new people from Shadowlands that are queuing for team ranked! Awesome burst on that team.


Also massive hate for the people that win trade 4v4s 1 word for y'all. Loooohooo-zeeeheers.


Bu...but..but I need my rancor! also it's called Ulic'ing now, get with it, tequila!

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A big shout out to people who still use Party Jawas.


I am only 46/100 on that acheivement, and I appreciate all of you that hotkey them.


I don't have one sorry... I'm too young and sexy to have one of those! :D


... seriously though, they need to make another pass with those things so some of us who are free-kills can help others out.

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Shout-out to Beebop for getting grouped with me (and being my good-luck win charm) and Ryouko/Asami for being just plain (not so plain) awesome!


Shout out to Arash for telling everyone to focus me...


Shout out to Goddrick for the trollnet, that's what I get for running rage... seriously though, I have won 99% of my matches as Carnage, but only 50% of my matches as rage.

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Shout out to Arash for telling everyone to focus me...


Shout out to Goddrick for the trollnet, that's what I get for running rage... seriously though, I have won 99% of my matches as Carnage, but only 50% of my matches as rage.


Really? I ran a few as rage and carnage, and did better as rage than carnage.

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What's funny is that this guy will use some excuse that pvpers have no life so he's trying to ruin it for them or some ********..what I don't get is why people like this and the other trolls on our server think people give a flying f*ck about them doing this...why do you think nobody's heard from raijin in a while? because nobody gave a ****, nobody even remotely cared about him after a while and got used to seeing him in gen chat /trying/ to insult people to get a reaction. Next time you see this douchebag, try to 3 man the arena and carry on with it afterward. Saying **** to this kind of person won't help, but instead just make him do it even more..or worse, try to get other people involved.


Anyway, yeah it sucks to get him on the solo ranked team, but ffs, if you want to go get decent solo ranked matches before 2.7, head to pot5 or bastion for a little while and solo will pop like crazy, shouting out this guy gives him the satisfaction.

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