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In game Fan Fic forum community


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Hi folks, I know this is off topic for this board but we've developed a nice little community here. Before the merger, there was a chat channel that was created on the Shadowlands because there was a great many of us that were based on that server, or like me, made a new character just so we could interact and play together.


I've gone ahead and created a new custom chat channel for those of us on these forums who have found ourselves thrown together on the same server.


This is for the Shadowlands server, type /cjoin fanfictionchat I've created the channel on both Imperial and Republic sides. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you in game.


If you don't happen to be on Shadowlands.....re-roll...(joking) Add to this thread so that other like minded people can connect with you in game.

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Argh, I wish I could participate in this. :( Stupid computer that can't run TOR... :mad:


It might be easier for all of us if we just started an IRC channel. That way, we wouldn't need to be in the game to talk, everyone can run it on their computers (and write at the same time, lol), and it's easier to get everyone in one room in an IRC chat than it is trying to wrangle servers together on TOR.

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It might be easier for all of us if we just started an IRC channel. That way, we wouldn't need to be in the game to talk, everyone can run it on their computers (and write at the same time, lol), and it's easier to get everyone in one room in an IRC chat than it is trying to wrangle servers together on TOR.

Hey, that would be cool! And then I would have another way to procrastinate on everything ever! :D

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Double Post!



Alright, the channel is located on this server: irc.blitzed.org. You'll need a client to access it. I recommend Trillian because I have experience with it, but Pidgin works as well. Both are your standard multi-service messaging programs. They are very easy to use and have a guided intro upon first installation.


The channel name is #torfiction. After you get IRC up and running on your computer, type into a chatbox /join #torfiction. You should pop into the room and see me there!


Let me know if you need help!

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I can't seem to figure out how to get it to work on Trillian. :/ I've connected to IRC, but I can't figure out how to get to the room? :confused:


Alright, on Trillian at the very top right hand corner you should see a little blue icon with a quote mark in it. That's your IRC. Click on it, it'll pop up a drop down, select join a room, type #torfiction and you're golden.

Edited by irishfino
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