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Defense for a Sentinel?


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I've seen a couple other threads of people asking if it's a good move to put some defense on a Sent, the answer is usually no, just focus on offense. So here's why I'm asking again.. everything I do, everywhere I am, I'm a target. I primarily do warzones or I'm just out in the world solo, and I don't use a tank companion. It's rare that I'm in a group doing PVE stuff where the group tank is taking all the hits.


So given that, would stacking some defense make sense if I want to increase my survivability and just last longer (thinking mostly warzones here)? I'm wearing mostly BM gear right now with a few Recruit pieces left, and I was thinking to get some of the BM higher endurance + defense non-modular items (implants, ear pieces, for example). The defense seems to come at the cost of critical on those items, and with the smuggler buff, I'm already at +35% crit chance. Also I'm a focus sent if that makes a difference.


Thanks for any advice here.

Edited by RAVM
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Don't do it especially for pvp as you will waste comms and end up having to reearn gear.


For PVE (dailies) I just roll out in my pvp gear which is specced for DPS. I can solo the illum heroic in this gear with Doc. The non heroics are a freaking breeze with BM gear and Scourge or Doc. With doc out you can kill almost non stop without taking a break.

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Absolutely not. Defense is a total waste to spec into because you'll be giving up one of Crit, Surge or Power for it, and ANY of those are a preferable stat to defense. In PvE a good tank will keep aggro off you in endgame content. In PvP your goal is the kill the other guy as fast as possible, ie: maximum DPS.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Just run Focus if you want more defense.



Defensive Forms


Defensive Roll

Second Wind


This build will give you the best defense for a sent.




Actually, Watchman has by far higher survivability.


Back to OP, I'm actually planning on creating a tank set since I have nothing to do with my comms :eek: I've joked to guildies that I'm going to tank EV and now I need to prove it =.=


But generally, sentinels should not pick up any tanking stats, such as +end, +asb, +defence. Due to DR, picking up defense rating actually might help you more by aiding your survivability and increase uptime on targets - but our job is to DPS and we should focus on it instead of encroaching on tanking.

Edited by -Yui-
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Your best defence is to gear up Kira or Rusk to bring down your TTK. As much as I love Doc and T7, the fact is is that DPS companions are by far the most efficient companions to be using for general purpose questing and doing dalies. Doc is awesome for if you are trying to solo packs of elites or champions though.
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