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Comando PVE Gearing advice combat medic.


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Hi all.


Please find bellow my current Mr Robot file for my build so far.




I have the following resources available to me and looking for the best way to use them, and some advice on what I should do next.


Black hole comms : 75

Columi Comms : 76

Tionese : Comms : 50

Daily Comms : 45

Warzone : 200 / Ranked 470


My Current aim is to get my last 2 pieces of Columi legs/head then look at using my blackhole comms but not sure where to start with these, i have also made myself 11 mk6 augment kits.


Questions I would realy like advice on are.


What augments ? I take it reflex for 18 aim 12 endurance


What should I look at geting for a seccond relic, I take it my ware hero one I have is good (hopefuly). curently using a recruit one as my second.


Where am I going to get the best bang for buck from my 75 Blackhole comms, and where should i priorotise furure ones.


And lastly I curently have an elegant modified assualt cannon and have ripped some mods from an exotech pair of gloves, problem is i have still not got the stats anywhere near my battlemaster one, will i be better off trying to build some more warzone comms and geting a war hero one, or geting something blackhole and ripping that.

Edited by welshbob
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I use two Overkill Augments (12 End, 18 Power) on both of my War Hero Relic of Boundless Ages


The rest of them are Reflex Augments


The only stats that I stack are mostly Power and Surge.


I have about enough stats/crits for 40% crit chance, also 100ish alacrity because of the BH implants (I'd trade them for surge if I can, though)


Here's a screenshot of my stats,



Everything's BH/Campaign Tier, and the Tionese pieces are modded for the set bonus.


The only thing left would be customized belt and bracer for me at this point.

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And lastly I curently have an elegant modified assualt cannon and have ripped some mods from an exotech pair of gloves, problem is i have still not got the stats anywhere near my battlemaster one, will i be better off trying to build some more warzone comms and geting a war hero one, or geting something blackhole and ripping that.

War hero weapon barrels have 36 aim/34 Endurance/50 Expertise. For pve healing, even a tionese level barrel is more beneficial. Get whatever highest level of pve weapon you can and combine it with black hole commendation gear mods and it'll serve you better than the war hero cannon.


As far as augments go, 1 aim is better than 1 power, if only slightly: reflex in all slots.

Edited by Bleeters
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War hero weapon barrels have 36 aim/34 Endurance/50 Expertise. For pve healing, even a tionese level barrel is more beneficial. Get whatever highest level of pve weapon you can and combine it with black hole commendation gear mods and it'll serve you better than the war hero cannon.


As far as augments go, 1 aim is better than 1 power, if only slightly: reflex in all slots.


Once you have over 2k Aim, there's a diminishing return whereas Power gives far more damage/heal base than main stats. And since OP is talking about PVE, unlike PVP, we get plenty of main stats in PVE gear compared to PVP gears.

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Once you have over 2k Aim, there's a diminishing return whereas Power gives far more damage/heal base than main stats. And since OP is talking about PVE, unlike PVP, we get plenty of main stats in PVE gear compared to PVP gears.

Power doesn't give "far more" than aim. It gives a practically negibile difference, which is no way outweighs the existance of the 9% bonus aim talent, 5% consular buff and benefit to crit.

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Power doesn't give "far more" than aim. It gives a practically negibile difference, which is no way outweighs the existance of the 9% bonus aim talent, 5% consular buff and benefit to crit.


a guildmate of mine actually did the calculation, the percent bonus from skills and buffs only close the difference gaps between power and aim.


As you get diminishing return from main stats, while power doesn't, it scales far off even with the buffs. I've only lost about 0.5% crit chance by switching to power augs while earning about 10 to 20 extra heals on my hammershot heals. (roughly from 240ish to 255ish with supercharge)


Can't argue with experimentations.

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Hi, I don't know if anyone made it clear but the general PvE gear strategy I've heard is to pick up 4 Columi "main body" pieces for the set bonus and then fill the rest with Black Hole. Then you can replace with Rakata as you upgrade. Also, you'd want to buy the same Black Hole pieces as the Columi pieces, rip the Black Hole mods out and put them in the Columi gear. That way you'll get the set bonus from the Columi and the better stats from the Black Hole mods. People can feel free to chime in if this isn't correct.


As far as augments I've also heard to stick with strictly Aim. It's going to be a long time before you need to start worrying about Aim vs Power effectiveness. And you there should be plenty of Crit and Surge on those armor pieces to have to worry about augmenting either. Hopefully that should get you going!

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Apologies, I got carried away.


Here's what I'd go with first:


BH Boltblaster Earpiece & BH Med-tech Implants - 105 BH comms total

(Boltblaster gives more crit and aim in exchange with endurance compared to Med-tech)

BH Med-tech Generator [off-hand] - 50 BH comms

War Hero/Battlemaster Relic of Boundless Ages (PVP WZs)

Matrix Cube M7-B3 (Datacron)


Columi Head, Chest, Hands, Legs, Feet, and Mainhand with HM FPs or SM OPs.

Rakata Head, Chest, Hands, Legs, Feet, and Mainhand with HM OPs. (Once you have Full Columi+)

Campaign Mainhand with HM EC (Denova) (Once you have full Rakata+)


Craft Rakata Belt/Bracer if you can (Armormechs), or do Esseles HM for those columi pieces.


BH pieces that you can mod rip:

Boltblaster MK-1 Helmet (Crit, Surge) - 60 BH Comms

Boltblaster MK-1 Graves (Power, Surge) - 55 BH Comms

Med-tech MK-1 Boots (Power, Surge) - 50 BH Comms**


I wouldn't bother purchasing the other BH pieces as they have alacrity, higher endurance stats than aim, or useless stats that we medics don't need.


Also, only start augmenting the pieces that you have Rakata tier or higher. (For Rakata, use prototype augs, for BHs, use advanced augs)


Edit: I also mod ripped BH mods into Tionese pieces for the bonus, and I liked the Green color looks. Made me felt more like a medic.

Edited by LaniAkavir
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As you get diminishing return from main stats, while power doesn't, it scales far off even with the buffs. I've only lost about 0.5% crit chance by switching to power augs while earning about 10 to 20 extra heals on my hammershot heals. (roughly from 240ish to 255ish with supercharge)

What, 20 extra healing per heal? As in, for each of the three heals a single hammer shot does?


I ask because you'd need something in the area of 350ish extra power to grand that much bonus to tech healing, give or take whatever difference is made by +% healing done talents.

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