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Rage 1.4 +video


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Thank you BW for buff³³³ my favorite build.


Just watch:


0:00 - 8:13 Explanation about Rage in 1.4

8:13 - Demonstration.


- Berserker = holymotherfuc#$$%@

- VS, assault, FS, Vicious throw reduce the CD of smash AND obliterate in 1 sec, EACH time you use these skills. Crit or non crit.

- Smash more quickly, AWESOME.

Edited by NogueiraA
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Thank you BW for buff³³³ my favorite build.


Just watch:


0:00 - 8:13 Explanation about Rage in 1.4

8:13 - Demonstration.


- Berserker = holymotherfuc#$$%@

- VS, assault, FS, Vicious throw reduce the CD of smash AND obliterate in 1 sec, EACH time you use these skills. Crit or non crit.

- Smash more quickly, AWESOME.


I really don't want to be rude here, i think i speak on the behalf of the entire mara community, when saying that we all like informational videos that show us testing, theory crafting, or even warzone skill, (not zomg i dig 600k dmg, but skill).


Furthermore, i would like to advise you to do some extensive research when posting videos like this. Specially explaining your rotation, cuz a lot of ppl might follow this. You start your rotation off with: Force charge, battering assault, THEN Obliterate? You are basicly teaching ppl to waist an 100% crit opertunity?


Please correct your rotation, so that ppl looking for advice don't actully follow bad ones. As said, I don't want to come of as rude or "teach" you anything, but please don't misinform ppl.

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