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Replayable class story


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Is there anyone else who would like to replay class story on the same character, just slightly adjusted to level 50?

We have hard mode FPs, Operations, why not make hard mode class story? They are already instanced so it should be quite easy to implement.

My proposition is to add Legacy Perk (legacy wide, or legacy character only) allowing replaying class story once per week- a kind of weekly mission.

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In another thread I did point out it could be nice to be able to replay a character's class story to refresh one's memory or to see the whole thing in one go. Since this would only be available once you finish the class story I don't feel that there should be any additional hurdles to cross, such as legacy level.


I read an implication that there should be a reward for replaying the class mission tuned to level 50. Can't say I particularly care for that idea, either. Along those lines I much prefer someone else's suggestion (I forget where it was made) that people who show up in class story should reappear later, perhaps to give you daily or weekly missions. Almost anything would be better than being reduced to insignificance since they're now in the character's past.

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