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*timidly peeks in* Hi. I am new here


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Hi. I know I am behind the curve here. Took me a while to find the place and even more time to start to explore (the forum that is)


I am a little lost as to the Weekly Challenge threads and some of the other fun things that seem to go on here


And I am scratching my head and worrying about posting spoilers unintentionally. There seem to be some unwritten rules. I have done Game based Fan Fiction in the past and have been having stories about my characters running about in my head since beta.


Are there any taboos? beside God-modeing of course. I may eventually get brave enough to post my little stories.

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Hi. I know I am behind the curve here. Took me a while to find the place and even more time to start to explore (the forum that is)


I am a little lost as to the Weekly Challenge threads and some of the other fun things that seem to go on here


And I am scratching my head and worrying about posting spoilers unintentionally. There seem to be some unwritten rules. I have done Game based Fan Fiction in the past and have been having stories about my characters running about in my head since beta.


Are there any taboos? beside God-modeing of course. I may eventually get brave enough to post my little stories.


Let me give you the grand tour.:D


Weekly Challenge Thread: Made to post pretty much anything about your characters. It can be a hundred word rabble to a 5000 word short story. There is 2 weekly prompts that we do and you can send ideas for prompts to Elliotcat (the maker of the thread).


Alternate Universe Weekly Challenge Thread: Basicly the same as the Weekly Challenge thread except it is one prompt posted every Wednesday (Regular is Friday btw) and it is about anything tht did not happen in your headcanon or in canon.


Writers Rant Thread: Talk about your problems with a story or anything that concerns writing or talk to people about their problems. Just a support thread really.:)


Writers Worshop Thread: Questions are posted here that you can answer or you can post something of your own for people to answer.


Beta Reader Index thread: Post here if you are interested in giving critiques to people before they post or perhaps after.


Really there are no rules, just have fun writing!:) I can't wait to see what sort of stuff you come up with!:D

Edited by SveinEternity
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Hi. I know I am behind the curve here. Took me a while to find the place and even more time to start to explore (the forum that is)


I am a little lost as to the Weekly Challenge threads and some of the other fun things that seem to go on here


And I am scratching my head and worrying about posting spoilers unintentionally. There seem to be some unwritten rules. I have done Game based Fan Fiction in the past and have been having stories about my characters running about in my head since beta.


Are there any taboos? beside God-modeing of course. I may eventually get brave enough to post my little stories.


The main taboos are anything that might get you banned. No explicit material. No hate or discontent. (It's SUPPOSED to be family friendly after all!)


After that?


Don't use anyone else's characters without their permission.



around anything that might spoil bits of in game story.


Other than that, the stars are the limit. And as to god-moding... If it is done WELL, no one will mind. But it is VERY hard to do well. My main characters are SERIOUSLY overpowered, but that is because they are SUPPOSED to be. And the threat they are facing requires all they have. And more...


That said, welcome to the forums. Check your sanity at the door.

Edited by kalenath
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Hello! I'm pretty new here myself, and here are the guidelines I've found useful.


1. All rules in the dev guidelines thread are to be obeyed in every post.


2. If there are any spoilers, use spoiler tags. Outside of the spoiler tags, indicate the class story(s)/act(s)/companions(s) you're spoiling for.


3. Don't be nervous if you don't get boat-fulls of comments right off the bat. Lots of us are shy. Just keep on reading, writing, and commenting and your comments will come.


4. If you're on the Shadowlands server, we have a little player created chat channel for fic writers. Type /cjoin Shortficthread to join.

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Colored text!

Yes, let's talk about colored text!

This is my normal color. I'll use this color all over the forums, except when I'm making story posts or quoting uncolored text. When I feel like channeling one of my characters I will use a different color.

Hello. I am Sith!Quinn. I enjoy long walks on Tatooine and murdering everything in my path.

I am the Captain or normal Quinn. I don't enjoy anything.

I'm Malavai! I'm super adorable and awesome!

I'm Jaesa and I'm deeply conflicted...

The colored-textedness isn't limited to just me, but I hoped to help with any confusion you may have.

You also outted yourself as slightly insane.

I created you didn't I.


Enjoy the forum!

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And I am scratching my head and worrying about posting spoilers unintentionally. There seem to be some unwritten rules. I have done Game based Fan Fiction in the past and have been having stories about my characters running about in my head since beta.


Are there any taboos? beside God-modeing of course. I may eventually get brave enough to post my little stories.


It's always a safe bet that if your story contains references to specific class stories to let people know there will be spoilers, example, I am attempting to keep the Sith Inquisitor story a surprise as i play it, so I do my best to try and avoid SI stories (and save them for a later date when I've finished playing the story for myself.) Some authors myself included like to use the spoiler tags in our threads to save you fingers from scrolling. I find it makes for an easier read, up to you though, it's personal preference.


The weekly challenge threads are just that! a place to challenge yourself to try and write a story within the limits of the weekly prompts. It helps with character development, and it's a nice jumping off point if the idea of creating your own threads seems intimidating. A good many of us started writing on that thread then went on to create our own story threads. I know it's become this big intimidating thread but we're nice and friendly, and it's a good way to waste a few hours reading stories.





Edited by Earthmama
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Hi! I'm Elliot and I run the weekly challenge threads. They are designed to be a place where people can share stories about their characters, get some inspiration, and develop their characters. We always love when new people come and share their characters. If you ever have questions about those threads, or prompts to suggest, please PM me!
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Hello there!


You're not alone in being sort of new to this part of the forum. I am too, I've posted a couple of comments here and there, but I haven't written anything to post yet, though that might change soon, I've go a few ideas that won't leave me in peace. I've been playing since before launch and have experienced just about all the stories, except Consular and Trooper...


I'm a bit concerned about a few things, mainly spoilering...I worry that anything I might do, might unwittingly ruin someones experience. This is a big deterrant for me, because I'm not really adept at forum mechanics, for example, I've no clue on how to put things under the spoiler rectangle to hide them, or how to do links, like some people who have their fictions linked in their siggies, that sort of thing. If there is a techie thread on how to do these things, kindly bump it, or link me, I'd appreciate it. In the mean time, if I do post something up, I'll be sure to put a lovely paragraph warning people of being spoiled, just in case, but I'll try not to do anything that has been mentioned before, with the possible exception of a certain class' companion names...

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Covering your spoilers is easy. Follow these instructions!


Left Bracket [

The word: spoiler

Right bracket ]


That's the front. Now write your story and end like this:


Left bracket [

Slash + word: /spoiler

Right bracket ]


Everything between the bracketed words is now hidden under a spoiler tag. It's also best to warn people outside the tags so it would look like this:


Spoilers for Trooper act 3 ending, Jorgan companion quests and Smuggler act 1.


That way people can decide if they want to spoil themselves depending on where they are in the stories.


As for linking, there is a button on the page when you're writing a post with a Blue looking globe thing and when you hover over it it will say 'Insert Link'. I've never used it so you'll have to play with it to see how it works.


One piece of advice, before you hit 'Submit reply' hit 'Preview Post' first to make sure quotes and spoiler tags went on correctly. You can immediately fix mistakes without editing the post.


Come join us in the Weekly Fic Thread! We love new stories!

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Thanks so much for the tips! I got excited and posted...I posted a warning for spoilers, but I don't think there is anything much revealed that happend in the class story. *is all nervous now* :p


oooh great start on your story. So much of what I have read so far has been awesome. Thanks for the feedback everyone.

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