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Things you like to see on SW:TOR, and not just lore and story but also gameplay.


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I finished 4 characters right now, and I must say that I'm dying to see new content also. Devs should maintain a good balance between group and single player content.


Its also a good oportunity to correct some errors and fix some stories that didnt went that well.


I finished the following stories:

Sith Warrior, Jedi Knight, Imperial Agent, Sith Inquisitor.


From all stories, I would say Imperial Agent left me more with a sense of expectancy than any other story, Im really looking foward to see what happens next.


The same can be said of the Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight story. I hope to see more manipulation, more power games, more betrayals, more justice serving, perhaps a chance at redeeming to the light side or completely falling to the dark side, maybe a choice (with the players knowledge) that could reset your DS/LS status and gain the title "The Redeemed" or "The Fallen".


Regarding the Sith Inquisitor.

BW said that this class was to portray Palpatine. I'm one of the many that made /facepalm at this story... It's not like Palpatine at all... With a great effort from my part, I can say that, starting as a weakling, and secretly getting means of power, and rising to a great position with one swift stroke, thats the only part that looks like Palpatine. But still, in this story, its kind farfetched. Hope the devs can make a good follow up, introducing more Palpatine like choices, being the manipulator and conspirator that he was. I want to feel like a mastermind in the Sith Inquisitor story. Right now I just feel I got lucky... really lucky. I could have died at least five times in my SI story.. I'm now where I am because I got really lucky.


But if BW comes with a good follow up, I might just consider this a decent entry to awsomeness. If not, then is plain bulls... .



Also would like to see my character act more like a commander than the lone executer. I want to see my JK give the order to a batalion of troopers to charge, like we saw so many times in clone wars. 200 troopers and a lightsaber in front of them charging to battle. Or in case of my agent, or a trooper, call in airstrikes, or telling the walkers to begin assault, or even make an ambush like in the "Hope" trailer on Alderaan, where hundreds of troopers ambush Imperial troopers, droids and even Sith.


You could have backup indicators, send them in when they were ready. Why not even drive a walker? Or firing an ION cannon so the Imperial cruisers cant cut the evacuation?


And how about group starship battles. Yes, let me say again, GROUP Starship Battles. Instead of making a group to do an op or fp, why not a group for space battle? There's really so much to do.


You could turn the casinos on Nar Shadaa so we could play on them, and maybe win some credits. Or complety ruin ourselfs.


Why not puting up jobs for Bounty Hunters, or any other class, order a hit on some badguy, or some corrupted senator. Make him mobile so we had to look for him. Leaving clues on the planets so we could track him out. If we took too long the target would move to other place in the galaxy and we would have to look for him again.


Great prize if we captured/kill him. No need for group, just a hard search. The Chevin acquisition race was a good start, but now there are other things we could explore. Why not make this monthly. And every week we had a different target. Then in the next month we would start over.


Please follow me on this ;)

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This thread should really be in the Suggestion Box section of General Discussion.



I'd like to see them expand upon the crafting system, and take a leaf from the book of SWG's crafting system.


As much as I'm content with Armormech and Synthweaving, I feel that Armstech and Artifice could do with more of a boost.

I'd like to see them work on a system that allows us to preview lightsabers and blasters/pistols/sniper rifles etc like how we can preview armour for ourselves and companions.

The crafting related part of this is, and taken from SWG, is being able to modify the appearance of weapons i.e. breaking a lightsaber hilt into sections with different appearance options for each section. Kit-bashing, if you will. This would also be of use for ranged weapons, so that we can choose the appearance of a weapon and certain "additions" like scoped or unscoped (along with scope type), type of stock, barrel type and size etc.


At this stage I think the complexity of resources and crafting attributes from SWG would definitely not fit with this game, but the aesthetics side of it certainly would, and might provide a welcome boost for Armstechs on the GTN and making weapons to order.

Edited by Fyurii
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