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Sub 30% damage


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Was discussing this last night when doing EC, are Mercenaries (and Commandos) the only class that doesn't get a damage buff or finishing move when enemies are sub 30%? Mainly concerned about PvE.


Juggernauts and Marauders - Vicious Throw

Operatives - Poison does more damage?

Snipers - Take Down or poison does more damage

Sorcerers - Increase in damage to DOT's?

Assassins - Some ability I don't know the name of

Powertechs - High Pyro tree ability, that although shared is a lot more useful for them than Mercenaries.


Understandable with how we used to be, but after nerfing us do you think we need one? Or is it a case of, if we want it we have to take a sub-par spec?

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Sub 30%

Juggernauts and Marauders - Can use Vicious Throw

Operatives and Snipers - Lethality spec does more poison damage

Snipers - Can use Takedown

Sorcerers - Nothing

Assassins - Can use Assassinate

Powertechs and Mercenaries - Pyro spec does more Elemental DoT damage


Not that I'd complain about more damage, but I think all the list proves is that it's Sorcerers that are missing out.

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It's really not that impressive.


The low health damage boost for mercs for example...


That's a 30% boost on our DoTs only.


Our DoT damage is about 20% of our total damage.


A mob is only at 30% or less for a limited time.



Basically it's about 3% more total damage on the mob.


Sorcs ain't missing out.

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It's also a 3% boost to crit for the Pyro build.


On Kephess the extra damage is going for 300K , and that last phase can be quite chaotic. Shaving those extra seconds off the kill could be the difference between a kill and a wipe.


Nightmare pilgrim you are getting the bonus for 600K worth of his life, and I'm sure as more ops are released there will be some (probably most) bosses that follow the typical formula of having more hps to make them harder.

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