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Need More Single Player Story content


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The Devs really need to focus on adding more single player story content. Don't get me wrong, the flashpoints and new ops are great, but not everyone is always in the mood to try and find 16 people to do one of these new ops or flashpoints. If you are anything like me, you bought this game because you were a big fan of KOTOR 1 and 2 and when Bioware promised never-ending story content, you got excited. I have a Lvl 50 Jedi Sentinel who I love playing, but all I have left right now are ops and flashpoints and as I said, it is not always easy to get friendly people together to do these ops. I just wish there was more single player content being added to this game. I think that would boost the popularity and raise subscriptions. Devs, if you're listening, please do this!!!
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This will come, but group content will be more frequent, with small releases, and solo or story content less frequent but in large chunks when it comes -- at least, that is what we have most recently been told. The next bit of story is coming with Makeb. This would seem to be a smaller addition, to tide us over until a larger, level-cap raising content update later.
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I finished 4 characters right now, and I must say that I'm dying to see new content also. Devs should maintain a good balance between group and single player content.


Its also a good oportunity to correct some errors and fix some stories that didnte wente that well.


I finished the following stories:

Sith Warrior, Jedi Knight, Imperial Agent, Sith Inquisitor.


From all stories, I would say Imperial Agent left me more with a sense of expectancy than any other story, Im really looking foward to see what happens next.


The same can be said of the Sih Warrior/Jedi Knight story. I hope to see more manipulation, more power games, more betrayals, more justice serving, perhaps a chance at redeeming to the light side or completely falling to the dark side, maybe a choice (with the players knowledge) that could reset your DS/LS status and gain the title "The Redeemed" or "The Fallen".


Regarding the Sith Inquisitor. BW said that this class was to portray Palpatine. I'm one of the many that made /facepalm at this story... It's not like Palpatine at all... With a great effort from my part, I can say that, starting as a weakling, and secretly getting means of power, and rising to a great position with one swift stroke, thats the only part that looks like Palpatine. But still, in this story, its kind farfetched. Hope the devs can make a good follow up, introducing more Palpatine like choices, being the manipulator and conspirator that he was. I want to feel like a mastermind in the Sith Inquisitor story. Right now I just feel I got lucky... really lucky. I could have died at least five times in my SI story.. I'm now where I am because I got really lucky.


But if BW comes with a good follow up, I might just consider this a decent entry to awsomeness. If not, then is plain bulls... .


Also would like to see my character act more like a commander than the lone executer. I want to see my JK give the order to a batalion of troopers to charge, like we saw so many times in clone wars. 200 troopers and a lightsaber in front of them charging to battle. Or in case of my agent, or a trooper, call in airstrikes, or telling the walkers to begin assault, or even make an ambush like in the "Hope" trailer on Alderaan, where hundreds of troopers ambush Imperial troopers, droids and even Sith.


You could have backup indicators, send them in when they were ready. Why not even drive a walker? Or firing an ION cannon so the Imperial cruisers cant cut the evacuation?


And how about group starship battles. Yes, let me say again, GROUP Starship Battles. Instead of making a group to do an op or fp, why not a group for space battle? There's really so much to do.


You could turn the casinos on Nar Shadaa so we could play on them, and maybe win some credits. Or complety ruin ourselfs.


Why not puting up jobs for Bounty Hunters, or any other class, order a hit on some badguy, or some corrupted senator. Make him mobile so we had to look for him. Leaving clues on the planets so we could track him out. If we took too long the target would move to other place in the galaxy and we would have to look for him again.


Great prize if we captured/kill him. No need for group, just a hard search. The Chevin acquisition race was a good start, but now there are other things we could explore. Why not make this monthly. And every week we had a different target. Then in the next month we would start over.


Please follow me on this ;)

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Allison Berryman addressed new story content in another thread today, but it seems relevant here so I am going to repost it:


I talked to Principal Lead Systems Designer Damion Schubert about the concern being expressed in this thread that story will not be important in our future Game Updates. He wanted to reassure everyone that story will continue to be an important part of Star Wars: The Old Republic in any efforts that we make going forward. Bioware is built upon making the best story-based gameplay we possibly can, and that philosohpy has always been a cornerstone of SWTOR's design - that won't be changing. We'll have more details as we're able to share them.
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Regarding the Sith Inquisitor. BW said that this class was to portray Palpatine. I'm one of the many that made /facepalm at this story... It's not like Palpatine at all... With a great effort from my part, I can say that, starting as a weakling, and secretly getting means of power, and rising to a great position with one swift stroke, thats the only part that looks like Palpatine. But still, in this story, its kind farfetched. Hope the devs can make a good follow up, introducing more Palpatine like choices, being the manipulator and conspirator that he was. I want to feel like a mastermind in the Sith Inquisitor story. Right now I just feel I got lucky... really lucky. I could have died at least five times in my SI story.. I'm now where I am because I got really lucky.


So, I have played all 8 to the end, mostly because I wanted to get all the presence and unlock everything in the legacy tab. And I have to say when I played my SW and my wife played her SI, I noticed there were vast differences in how we both played dark side, not evil, but dark side.

When I finally got to leveling my SI one part on Corellia I was vastly different from what she did and I did not notice this until she pointed it out to me. Where she chose to use a strike team, I didn't want to use any more imperial soldiers, believing myself to be better than my opponents I chose instead to opt out of using imps for help like some weakling. At this point the youn officer offered me an alternative route, to use pharamones and lure beasts into Thanatons base. Well now, this was so much better I felt because the enemy wouldn't know what was attacking them and how to deal with it, as opposed to identifying that imps are attacking and having a known variable in their base, I could sneak in and under cover of anarchy and chaos I could strike at the heart and accomplish my goal without "storming the castle" so to speak. To me this was a very different setup and it shows that blindly selecting murder and mayhem await for everything isn't the most sinister option.


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The Devs really need to focus on adding more single player story content. Don't get me wrong, the flashpoints and new ops are great, but not everyone is always in the mood to try and find 16 people to do one of these new ops or flashpoints. If you are anything like me, you bought this game because you were a big fan of KOTOR 1 and 2 and when Bioware promised never-ending story content, you got excited. I have a Lvl 50 Jedi Sentinel who I love playing, but all I have left right now are ops and flashpoints and as I said, it is not always easy to get friendly people together to do these ops. I just wish there was more single player content being added to this game. I think that would boost the popularity and raise subscriptions. Devs, if you're listening, please do this!!!


I couldn't agree more. I originally got excited about TOR because they promised a never-ending KOTOR/Bioware RPG with multiplayer but they ended up trying to sell us World of Raidcraft in a Star Wars skin. Personally I'm not interested in being in a guild or raiding. I just want a good Star Wars RPG to play.


I still haven't seen all of the story content but the fact that they seem so focused on raids and endgame is a little disturbing to me. The current endgame is actually the least interesting part of SWTOR IMHO. I'd rather lvl alts and craft than grind endgame instances TBH. The class stories are infinitely more interesting than the raids.

Edited by MorgonKara
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sigh. Maybe you just don't know because you missed all the other posts and dev roundups or the podcasts or google is difficult to use. They have all the voice acting recorded for the next major story content that they will be presenting in fall of 2012. I don't know how many games you have actively participated in putting together, but last I checked it takes a decent chunk of time to get a single (single meaning one player) game scripted and made for console games, even when they don't have to reinvent the wheel and piggyback on an existing engine like UR or Havok. BW is going to be presenting 8, thats eight times the normal one story line most games make, and they will be presenting this to us sometime in the fall, according to them. Seeing as how Summer just ended, I expect that it will be some time in the next three months. Not a fanboi, I am just going by what I read, that they put out, will I be upset if they push it back? Yeah, will I stop playing the game? nope, and I've done all 8 story lines to the end. The NOW generation needs to learn patience, hell my 7 year old seems to be more patient.
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Well, I'm certainly going to be interested to see where my imperial agent, bounty hunter and smuggler go next in terms of story, what with


all three telling their respective starter factions to screw off.


Wont it be though? just as much as I am interested in what will happen to my SW who is

The Wrath of the Emperor and the Emperor was killed by the Knight.


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Wont it be though? just as much as I am interested in what will happen to my SW who is

The Wrath of the Emperor and the Emperor was killed by the Knight.

Well, to be fair,


the Knight didn't actually kill the Emperor. Not according to mail you should get after finishing the Sith Warrior class story.


"Wrath, we have an important matter to discuss. It is time you knew the secret of the Emperor's absence.


While you silenced Darth Baras, the Jedi attempted the impossible feat of destroying the Emperor. Instead, they merely defeated the Emperor's true Voice.


The unexpected blow was a shock. The Emperor's consciousness was wrenched from his Voice. He now slumbers, gathering his strength.


The Imperial Guard has moved the Emperor's body"


Edited by Bleeters
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It ought to be pretty hilarious.


Lord Scourge: I forsaw the prophesised champion who would defeat the Emperor!

Jedi Order: If only we had a prophesised champion who could defeat the Emperor!

Jedi Knight: Am I the prophesised champion who can defeat the Emperor?

Lord Scourge: Yep!

Jedi Knight: Hooray! Let's defeat the Emperor, as prophesised!




Jedi Knight: Hooray! I defeated the Emperor, as prophesised!

Sith Warrior: lolnope

Jedi Knight: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻



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Bleet, I wanted to say thank you, its been so long ago and one day my son was on my warrior deleting mail so I guess that is where I missed that. Thank you for setting me straight. Now I can fix all of those misconceptions I had and get my headcanon straight along with the fanfic I am writing on the side ^_^. Thanks again!


Now it makes a hell of a lot more sense why a single player killed the emp, when it was just another voice who wasn't as strong since the voice that was on voss was killed(now to fix timelines).


Edited by Reynaga
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I agree completely...more individual storyline...more on companions and most specifically our current companions and not a generic companion added to all characters. Back into the studios for more voice acting and recording please. I know it's an mmo and they should devote a lot of resources into ops and fps and such...but this game is special because of the immersion and story. It's special because it makes you feel special when you play.


My first character was a JK sentinel and I played almost nonstop because it was like some great book that I couldn't put down, and the kicker was I was made to feel like I was an integral part of all of the best parts of the book. Once he got to post 50 content he didn't really feel that special any more. My guild fell apart and went back to WoW so I don't see much group stuff anymore.


Anyway, with the other characters I have leveled I've gone much slower to savor the story and the feel because I know there isn't much after 50 for them with their individual stories. I hope and pray this changes soon. I hope they add so very much more with our companions and our stories.

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