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When are Mercs actually going to get something that improves the class?


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We got nerfed to crap in 1.2 and we're still getting shafted with these new patches. None of the new changes in 1.4 are going to help out that much in terms of PVP. Can we please get some love anytime soon Bioware? You don't have issues improving any of the other classes, I mean Muraders have gotten improvements to all their trees over the last 2-3 patchs, while we have only gotten a half asked one and new annimations? Wow... I think I'm pretty much just going to delete my merc today and lvl a new one up when they actually make a viable change.
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They will probably say the imminent addition of the interrupt is a sufficient buff (when it's something we should've had for 9 months).


Oh well....there's always update 1.5 :rolleyes:


ha there is going to be no body left playing by 1.5.

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Wow... I think I'm pretty much just going to delete my merc today and lvl a new one up when they actually make a viable change.


I would do this too, but I've put too much bloody time into him.... with a full schedule, job/house/etc I just don't have the time to go that far on another toon (although I have multiple 50's, none are as geared).


Now with the addition of "elite" warhero, it will be just that much harder to grind yet another level of gear (for me at least).


That being said I regret deleting my Marauder. My Jugg is happer though. So is my Shadow... and my Operative.... but Merc? He just got kicked in the thermal detonators again.


Hate to say it but it's obvious with 1.4 Marauder is the beast for now and the future. Hang up your pistols, grab some saber hilts, ride the wave. (I just have to figure out what to delete. ; ) )

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I keep repeating this but they just need to recognize Merc/Commando as a ranged AC and employ appropriate skills. They seem to be leaning towards Merc being a Tanky Ranged class that can go into melee for short periods....But we cant survive it with current TTK and the amount of CC out there.


Just admit we are pure ranged and give us a reliable snare, a ranged root, and a Disengage ability allowing us to escape melee combat...give it the same CD as Grapple. Disengage=Jumps back 15m drops all current targets on you.

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Disengage=Jumps back 15m drops all current targets on you.


Commando = concussion grenade, Mercenary = rocketpack


I've never understood the in-game Concussion Charge ability, anyway; it completely violates Newton's third law of motion, unlike the grenade used in the cinematic. Commandos should have the charges built into their belt or something, so the force is spread around them evenly.



...Okay, that's a pretty minor concern, but it still bugs me.

Edited by Chaoskyx
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I wouldn't mind seeing a "Lockdown" or "Holding position!" ability.


Basically a Commando/Merc would lock themselves in the spot, can't be interrupted can't be moved from that spot and can't be leaped/jetcharged to (including guardian/juggernauts friendly leap). Takes a cooldown to setup, and a cool down to disengage. Everything else is normal, so it's similar to the entrench ability snipers/gunslingers have but can't move from position to position easily.


And reinforces the "turret" capability and gives them the capacity to do so. I can imagine the commando dropping to one knee as he props his assault cannon on top a shield. And a Merc having grappling hooks extend from his jet pack to the ground locking him in place.

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