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Military Sizes


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no no... it only says imperial star destroyers. Pelleaon was left with barely

not imperial class specificaly...


Imperial star destroyer also means any star destroyer that belonged to the Empire.


actually it says and I quote


"Two hundred Star Destroyers remaining from a Fleet that had once included over twenty-five thousand of them. " and this is during a discussion about Imperial class star destroyers including the one he was on while having the discussion (specter of the past page 7)... again your 22,000 figure is nowhere to be found even in the specific source you claimed to have gotten it from... and if you had actually read the novel you would know when Zahn writes Imperial star destroyer he is referring to Imperial class because in instances where there are both victory and imperial class he specifically refers to them as "Imperial star destroyers and victory class star destroyers" even when the Victory class is part of the imperial navy.... there is also the fact that it is stated in many other canon sources that over 25000 IMPERIAL I class star destroyers alone were produced so they had those 25000 imperial I class star destroyers PLUS an unknown number of other star destroyers of different classes


again I don't know why you are arguing for this 22,000 mixed star destroyers thing because it's just your personal guess and is stated no where in canon... I asked you for the source for your claim of 22,000 mixed star destroyers at peak and you gave me one source which not only never states they were of mixed classes but which states 25000... next time you cite a source at least try and make sure it actually states the same thing you are trying to claim it does

Edited by Liquidacid
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I can not imagine emperor would pull all his forces from galaxy to converge on one spot to wipe out handful of rebels... general idiocy of such move... Yes, he sent there all he could, and only enough so the Rebels would not see it...

I somehow can not picture Rebels missing that entire imperial fleet vanished from galaxy...



I would suggest that for the purpose of this discussion "fleet" means all ship assets given entity has. not a designated combat unit.



True, and a big ship like the http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Executor was just one of many comand ships as Han said.

With many ships as the super star destroyer one can only imagine how many smaller ships the fleet hadd.

And as others have said, it would make no sense for the Emperor to pull in all ships from other regions

so those regions could more easly rebel or smuggle weapons etc.

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I never said Corellia had a pop of 85 billion I said Nar Shaddaa did... the PLANET Corellia, not the system, has a pop of 4 million... and even in the book YOU cited as your source of the number of star destroyers it specifically says "25000 Imperial class star destroyers" so that number included Imperial class I and II only and never said anything about 22000 or the other classes of imperial ships as you seem to claim... you seem to have problems reading and understanding what you read which I attribute your lack of understanding the written lore and my posts too





those are all arguments about the plot and are not written to be realistic and which doesn't have anything to do with what this thread is about... but ya again "a fleet" does not mean every single ship they have just a single unit that is comprised of whatever they decide to designate as a fleet for that purpose and the fact that all the canon specifically states that it was no where near every ship it's not really up for debate...


I will agree that militaries make huge blunders all the time tho ... I served for 8 years so I know that one first hand


we got on the topic of military blunders because PaerisKiran said he couldn't beleive the Emperor would do somethign so stupid as having his entire fleet at the Battle of Endor. When in reality its clear he would do somehting so stupid.


well again only the EU canon states that. In the movies and the Clone wars series we never see anything close to the numbers that the EU talks about.

Edited by jarjarloves
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we got on the topic of military blunders because PaerisKiran said he couldn't beleive the Emperor would do somethign so stupid as having his entire fleet at the Battle of Endor. When in reality its clear he would do somehting so stupid.


well again only the EU canon states that. In the movies and the Clone wars series we never see anything close to the numbers that the EU talks about.


again canon is canon the levels of canon are guidelines that the people at LL use to decide what writers/producers of products are allowed to include and not something that fans are meant to try and apply... if LL says something is canon it is whether or not you think it matches what is shown elsewhere


but you also have to remember the movies and Clone wars series never show more than specific battles... what your doing would be like watching some film of the allies storming the beach at Normandy and trying to use that to claim the total forces the allies had in existence... the movies only ever show very small scale engagements (when compared to the entire war) because they again were movies about personal stories and drama not military documentaries about the wars

Edited by Liquidacid
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Well im glad i got poeple to debate but my ques had nothing to do with how many ships but rather how many soilders or people the militaries of the groups i named had.


I don't think there is a definite number. I know that the clones had upwards of 1 billion soldiers. The Empire is more difficult to place due to conscription and recruitment. They never really had a solid number for long.

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Well that sucks i was hoping to know how they compared in terms of how many soilders they had. Well thanks anyways.


Well don't worry about it. No army has had a solid number of troops. They usually recruit/create more as time passes.


I'm not sure, but you might be able to find the numbers of troops on wookieepedia.

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