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I've been away, and I have questions


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So I haven't played SWTOR for a couple months (got Skyrim; enough said), and I'm slightly bemused by the news. I heard about the Cartel Coins and a new trade system or something like that, and it was supposed to be coming "this fall", along with a bunch of other stuff, with this very vague date. Well, it's about two weeks to fall equinox, I think, and I was wondering if we have some more concrete dates, or indeed if it's already happened and I missed it. From what I've gathered we're now in update 1.4, and this means that there are new flashpoints and such, right? Is the new trade thing up? Is that new droid companion thing up? Is it now free to play with optional subscription? I have no idea what's going on, I've peeked in the news section and there seems to be a distinct lack of dates. I know this stuff is all very hard to manage and the company's got plenty of problems to work with, but can I get a October or November or something? Or maybe a "*******, this already happened"?


Oh, side note: when I last played SWTOR, I also got a message saying Lord Ieldis server was going to be shut down along with a couple other lighter population servers (but my wide open empty spaces!), again sometime "this fall", is that still happening? Because I logged on just now, and aside from having completely forgotten what I was doing with my characters I still seem to be on Lord Ieldis.



TL;DR, I have no idea what's going on with SWTOR, someone tell me.

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No F2P yet. No HK-51 yet. No new planet or WZ yet. No ETA on when any of these will arrive.


1.4 is up on PTS if you want to check it out. It has a new Op. New PvE gear (which is really just a recolor of old PvE gear) and some QoL improvements to the Group Finder and emotes.



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One does not simply try to finish Skyrim :p


F2P, Cartel Coins etc is due to be coming out in November.


I assume HK, Makeb will be the same time, it makes sense.


The new operation will be coming out this month. Since it has just been put on the PTR, you'd be looking at late Sept possibly early Oct if it gets delayed.


The game has changed a lot, for the better :D

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Not trying to jack our thread but I just got back in today. Last time I played was when I hit 50. What would anybody recommend to do first? I should also add tat was in feb. maybe.....

Do you like pvp? If so, goto the pvp area in fleet and pickup a free token for recruit gear. Give it a shot, pvp queues are popping fast.


If you prefer PVE, learn to use the group finder tool: top left of your minimap. Start with the hard mode flash points and gradually gear up. Find some guys you like, join their guild, and start playing ops in story mode.


That should keep you busy for a while!

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Can I get good gear from the hard modes. I heard about legacy powers. Do you have to buy all of them?


Columi & Blackhole Gear you can get doing Hardmodes. The BH gear is from comms of course.


The only legacy thing I bought on my main is the repair droid. With alts you'd probably buy the speeder at level 10 perk.

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