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PROs and CONs


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Hi there


This is my fist posting after quite a while. I started SWTOR in Beta and played since release, but lately I play less and less.


What I like about SWTOR are quite a few things. There is the storyline and class quests which are great. Same goes for the flashpoints and most operations. Performance is ok as well, now that I invoked the compatibility mode.


So I was cracking my head in the last few weeks, why SWTOR is growing more and more boring.

Is it the bad customer support?

Is it the long loadintimes everytime you land on a planet or start an instance etc.?

Those and likewise things add a bit of turnoff for me, yes, but don't turn the game boring.

I think it is two components, that take the wind out of my sails.

1) everything goes on rails.

Not just spacefights, all the quests, all the things you have to do, everything goes on rails. Go there, klick on that, kill 50 mobs on the way. No matter how important the need of the fully voiced NPC might be, the quest turns out to be exactly the same as the last one. It is just a few quests, that really make a difference, mostly the class quests.

Those promised "changes" of storyline or quests due to your reaction in the questdialoge are close to zero. There are what - 10? Maybe 15 quests, where it really changes anything if I decide lightside or darkside. That's sad, because the idea was good, it was just poorly realized. Really sad that. It had so much potential.

2) Thrashmobs and Bosses.

They are all the same.

I mean, there is nothing you do as much in this game as killing thrashmob. I would like to count how many mobs I kill during playing the game 1-50 but it feels like a 6 or 7 digit number or even more.

And every thrashmob is the same. Most of the time, there is no or at least not much need of crowd control. It is always a group of either 3-5 normal mobs or 1-2 strong ones. They are always at the same place, they always do the same things, they are ... BORING.

C#mon, guys, this is our main occupation in the game aside from listening to dialogs. You made dialogs interesting, why didn't you do that with trash? Even in WoW (yes, I said the bad word) the trash mob does something interesting now and then, like running off or calling reinforcement. You can do better.

How about random positions? How about a few more interesting abilities, at least for the "strong" fellows? Tank and spank gets really boring over 50 levels.

And the "goldy boys", the ones with the golden stars. They are a bit tougher. But that's it. Special loot? Or a box? Very seldom. Most of the times it does not pay to kill them. Boring.


I think those two points are IMHO the things that makes it more and more difficult for me to enter the game. It really takes the wind out.


I hope this is taken as constructive critizism and of course this is my opinion only. No need to flame me, I like the game, but would like to see it improved.


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Hi there


This is my fist posting after quite a while. I started SWTOR in Beta and played since release, but lately I play less and less.


What I like about SWTOR are quite a few things. There is the storyline and class quests which are great. Same goes for the flashpoints and most operations. Performance is ok as well, now that I invoked the compatibility mode.


So I was cracking my head in the last few weeks, why SWTOR is growing more and more boring.

Is it the bad customer support?

Is it the long loadintimes everytime you land on a planet or start an instance etc.?

Those and likewise things add a bit of turnoff for me, yes, but don't turn the game boring.

I think it is two components, that take the wind out of my sails.

1) everything goes on rails.

Not just spacefights, all the quests, all the things you have to do, everything goes on rails. Go there, klick on that, kill 50 mobs on the way. No matter how important the need of the fully voiced NPC might be, the quest turns out to be exactly the same as the last one. It is just a few quests, that really make a difference, mostly the class quests.

Those promised "changes" of storyline or quests due to your reaction in the questdialoge are close to zero. There are what - 10? Maybe 15 quests, where it really changes anything if I decide lightside or darkside. That's sad, because the idea was good, it was just poorly realized. Really sad that. It had so much potential.

2) Thrashmobs and Bosses.

They are all the same.

I mean, there is nothing you do as much in this game as killing thrashmob. I would like to count how many mobs I kill during playing the game 1-50 but it feels like a 6 or 7 digit number or even more.

And every thrashmob is the same. Most of the time, there is no or at least not much need of crowd control. It is always a group of either 3-5 normal mobs or 1-2 strong ones. They are always at the same place, they always do the same things, they are ... BORING.

C#mon, guys, this is our main occupation in the game aside from listening to dialogs. You made dialogs interesting, why didn't you do that with trash? Even in WoW (yes, I said the bad word) the trash mob does something interesting now and then, like running off or calling reinforcement. You can do better.

How about random positions? How about a few more interesting abilities, at least for the "strong" fellows? Tank and spank gets really boring over 50 levels.

And the "goldy boys", the ones with the golden stars. They are a bit tougher. But that's it. Special loot? Or a box? Very seldom. Most of the times it does not pay to kill them. Boring.


I think those two points are IMHO the things that makes it more and more difficult for me to enter the game. It really takes the wind out.


I hope this is taken as constructive critizism and of course this is my opinion only. No need to flame me, I like the game, but would like to see it improved.



obviously we are not playing the same game.


i have had different class story outcomes later in the game as those from my guildies while doing the inquisitor class quest line. they went pure evil while i did several good options. a few other classes that i know of are similar.


the wow i played isn't any different than this game. i played wow after release for two years and it was exactly like this game in quests, mob mechanics and everything else you are comparing the two as being different. it railed you from zone to zone as do most mmos do now days with stupid easy content to level on.


what is a thrash mob?


please don't use the word constructive criticism as when i hear it it only makes me think of clueless people who think they know something trying to persuade someone perceived as less intelligent, which is the opposite, to their erroneous view of things.

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Please don't cite the whole posting, it takes up a lot of place and is offensive to the people who have to scroll a lot therefore.


Please don't tell me which words I shall use. You are not the officer of censorship here. What you interpret into the word constructive criticism is of course entirely your thing.


Thrash mobs or trash mobs are the non player characters (NPCs) who are "fillers" to make your way to your quest target a bit more interesting (which they actually are not, AFAIK - which is what I am trying to explain in my opening posting)


And as last point: I didn't refer to the few class quests as boring, but to the hundreds of "all the same" quests. Better read the opening posting again to better understand it. If I expressed myself wrong or falsely, I am sorry. As my sig says, english is not my mother tongue.


Thank you for answering to my posting. Even though I would like more constructive replys, yours is appreciated as well.

Edited by Sanbaal
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