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Which mouse?


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I use a Razer Naga. It's one of those 12 button doodads, where an entire 1-12 number pad is located where the right thumb is. It took a day or two to learn how to grip my mouse again, but I can't imagine going back. The doggone thing has spoiled me.
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I use a Naga and a Nostromo (almost like a keyboard replacement) and I feel in a way they've made me a better player. The ergonomic design of both does certainly make the extend playtime required for Ops a lot easier, I just wish I had a gel rest :D


Aside from Razr, another good maker to look at is Logitech. I believe the price ranges are similar, so it's really a question of design and branding. You really want something that's physically comfortable to use, as when you're comfortable you play better :)

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You could also consider buying the new Logitech G600. It's basically the same as the Naga but with more options (and for me a better grip). The software seems a bit more user friendly and allows for more complex keybindings. It also has a third mousebutton on which the ringfinger rests called the G-shift. When that one is pressed all the thumb buttons can be programmed to have whatever function you'd like outside of the regular assigned buttons to them. :)
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It [the Logitech G600] also has a third mousebutton on which the ringfinger rests called the G-shift. When that one is pressed all the thumb buttons can be programmed to have whatever function you'd like outside of the regular assigned buttons to them. :)


That sounds particularly handy. I use the ALT key for the abilities in my second quickbar, since it's conveniently located right next to SPACE. I'm afraid I'd go hog wild with a third set of action bars, binding stuff that I don't even use in combat.

Edited by Otembe
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I use the Logitech G500. I really like feel and the fact it comes with a weight kit to control the weight and momentum. Also it has dpi selection on the fly. While that not real relevant to gaming, it works great when working with pixels in apps like photoshop or fireworks. Edited by Owsley
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I wanted to get a naga as soon as I heard about it but didn't want to take the plunge because I assumed it would be made for male hands like a lot of other computer peripherals. After reading a few reviews I found out that several men were complaining it was too small, so I got one. It's awesomely comfortable.


If you have very big hands it might be too small for you, but small to average it's perfect.

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I got the razer naga and i'm not that crazy about it honestly. i mean it works just fine but i cannot get the hang of using the numbers on it. it feels like im getting carpel tunnel syndrome just trying to right click control the camera and press the buttons at the same time. imho

seriously, i use like one or 2 of the buttons on it.


if swtor had an option to mouselook toggle it would be like 100 times better im sure

Edited by MorgonKara
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I use the Razor Naga. Perhaps it takes some practice, but I have no issues using all 17 buttons. Perhaps it came easier to me than others since I am a bit of a musician.


Rather than messing with software, I just set the Naga to use the numpad buttons and then I set up hotkeys in boxes on my UI of 3 wide 4 down to match the Naga's keys, and bind the hotkeys to the numpad.


I have one hotkey box set just with a button push on the Naga, and another hotkey box holding control on the keyboard and pushing the Naga buttons

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As an "old dude" I figured I didn't have the eye-hand coordination of a younger person.

I was advised by another guild member to get the Naga.

At first I only used 1-6 or Shift 1-6

It took a little time of practice (dailies are good for this....Hard modes and ops arn't)

And I still use the arrow for some things.

All in All.....I can recomend this.

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