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Malavai Quinn and the Ship Droid


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This has most likely been discussed and made as is for similar reasons already, but I would gladly pay a million credits to upgrade my ship droid with the ability to use a blaster (To get that extra healing boost, and to keep the droid at range so that it doesn't run around fist fighting everything getting itself injured in the process) if it gave me the chance to send Malavai Quinn out the airlock

because I do not forgive being deceived / betrayed. I really- really would like several gratifying options to dispose of this vile garbage taking up space in my ship. Just saying, he can be replaced, even with another Ship Droid if having a certain amount of companions is necessary.

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I use my droid for heals. It's true, it loses some power thanks to having no blaster, and it runs into melee with me to punch as auto-attack, but I've become quite willing to pay that price to not have Quinn yammering at me all day long.

While pointing a blaster at my back. No, thanks.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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Hey...I wanted to



Turn in the bounty on Gault by actually killing him



And I'd like to slowly torture Skadge to death....or leave him to be pulled apart by some monster somewhere. The Agent is the only class I've actually liked all of the various companions.


And I'd love to have Scorpio's voice for my ship droid.

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I just came up with a cool idea, I have heard that people will whine if they kill a companion and new quests and convos come out but they can't do them if the companion is dead. Well what if we get to kill the companion and put their brain in the droid? We would still be able to have the conversations, quests and such, plus they would be punished.
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I just came up with a cool idea, I have heard that people will whine if they kill a companion and new quests and convos come out but they can't do them if the companion is dead. Well what if we get to kill the companion and put their brain in the droid? We would still be able to have the conversations, quests and such, plus they would be punished.


This would be hilarious.


Please add a [shock [droid-ified companion]] option to conversations, much like Warriors currently get with Vette. :D

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This would be hilarious.


Please add a [shock [droid-ified companion]] option to conversations, much like Warriors currently get with Vette. :D


I got the idea from an old Spongebob episode that I saw years ago: "That's it, I'm putting your brain in the robot!" :o

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