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Best Star Wars movie moment of all time


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One of the best scenes has gotta be in ROTS when Darth Vader get's his life-support suit and cybernetic limbs, and the way the camera does a POV as the mask is being lowered onto his face. You can see Anakin has sort of an expression of shear horror as the mask comes down, knowing he will be behind it for the rest of his life.


Aaah, that is a good moment. ROTS is definitely my favourite (the baddies win!) Its just got so much epicness crammed into it. General Grevious, windu vs sidious, sidious vs yoda, Anakin vs obi-wan, order 66, Operation Knightfall, Darth Vader, The Death Star!! *runs off to watch it*

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In no particular order:

- Order 66.

- Yoda and the clone army arriving to save the Jedi on Geonosis.

- Lando betraying Han and co. to Vader on Bespin.

- Vader fighting Luke aboard the second Death Star.

- Lando and Wedge blowing up the second Death Star. Also, "It's a trap!".

- Vader's funeral pyre on Endor.

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Best moment?


Either the start of the 4th film (New Hope). I was watching it around 1977 with a friend of mine and his mother. We were technically a bit too young for the film so we needed the mother with us :) I did not know what to expect and then the film started and those huge starships scrolled on the big screen shooting at each other...


Another very good one was Anakin vs Obivan in the 3rd, if you forget the final part (lots of talking and jump to shore and Obivan wins for some mystical reason I have never understood).

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Best movie moment in SW has to be "Luke, I am your father" nobody knew......best kept secret in movie history. Even the actors were caught off guard. hands down the best moment.


Great classic movie quote. But a major misconception is that he doesn't say Luke. He just says "No, I… am your father."


Then followed by a classic SW Noooo!

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Best movie moment in SW has to be "Luke, I am your father" nobody knew......best kept secret in movie history. Even the actors were caught off guard. hands down the best moment.


unless you were dutch, since Vader is dutch for father. That would kind of a spoiler .

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As the smoke clears on the Tantiv IV and Vader walks in picks up Commander Antillies and chokes him out. you know this dude is freakin serious


Luke V. Vader on Bespin....Impressive---Damn Straight that sh*ts impressive!

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I think the scene with Luke talking to Vader on Endor is one of my favorite scenes

"I know that you where once Anakin skywalker my father"

"That name no longer has any meaning for me!"

"It is the name of your true self you've only forgotten..I know there is good in you the emperor hasnt driven it from you fully...That was why you couldn't destroy me...thats why you wont take me to your Emperor now."

"I see you have constructed a new lightsaber....your skills are complete...indeed you are powerful as the Emperor has foreseen"

"Come with me"

"Obi wan once thought as you do...You Dont Know the Power of the Dark Side...I Must Obey my Master"

"I will not turn, and you'll be forced to kill me"

"If that is your destiny"

"Search your feelings, Father, you can't do this. I feel the conflict within you. Let go of your hate."

"It is too late for me son. The Emperor will show you the true nature of the Force. He is your master now."

"Then my father is truly dead."

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Best SW movie moment of all time?


The moment in ROTS when Sidious stands up, draws his lightsaber, and says, It's treason, then. Gives me the chills.


See for yourself.


Yeah thats a great scene too. I also love the scene of Anakin in the Council chambers waiting and making his choice to interviene. You could almost feel the pain of his decision like '*** am I doing..but I have no choice'

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Best SW movie moment of all time?


The moment in ROTS when Sidious stands up, draws his lightsaber, and says, It's treason, then. Gives me the chills.


See for yourself.


I prefer when he says 'I AM the Senate' - the whole scene is just a pretty epic moment though. Its just screaming out 'Remember that Sith Lord you were looking for? Its me! Your Chancellor! POW!'

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My favorite scene, and it's probably the ONLY time Hayden Christiansen acts, is when Obi-wan and Anakin are over the lava trading words.


O: I have failed you anakin, i have failed you

A: I should of known the jedi were plotting to take over!

O: Anakin chancellor Palpatine is Evil!

A: From my point of view the Jedi are EVIL!

O: Well then you are lost!


Sorry that part right there, Best acting Hayden did in the series.

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Execute order 66(6).


There's just something about it...Can't really describe it, but it was sad, especially knowing it's the last SW movie there will be.


Yoda dropping his staff...


EDIT: Ok, I just saw Duel of Fates scene again. Maul at that door man. Most epic duel, ever. John Towner Williams and his music. Man...Although, how is it a duel, when there were three of them at the beginning?


Truel, and then Duel of Fates. Oh, but truel is all vs. all...Two Against One, and then Duel of Fates. That's fixed.

Edited by SneiK
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