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*Item Binding - Quality of Life Improvements*


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I was asked by customer service to post my suggestion for Item Binding improvements on the forums.



Allow Items to be traded back to the vendor indefinably so long as the armoring/mods/enhancement is intact. The customer service rep described it as trading in "like for like" items back to the vendor or just get a full commendation refund. The system of BOE/BOP/BOL is ridiculous and hard for both players and developers to keep track of and enjoy.


the best method to implement this is to simply "sell" the item back for a refund on coms or a item token. it wont be too hard to do as other games have done something similar in the past.


Examples & Quality of Life Improvements:

Example: Player 1, a level 50 marauder, has 1,000 warzone commedations. He purchases his 5 mainset pieces of battlemaster gear for his class. After playing with his friends, he discovers that the pvp juggernaut 4 set bonus is actually better for the marauder class in pvp (10% damage for 5 seconds after leaping). Now player 1 wants to get the pvp juggernaut set but has no way to trade in his current pvp marauder set. Player 1 is now frustrated, so he opens a ticket to customer support and they tell him "sorry, we cannot restore your warzone commedations back, or trade the items because it has been longer than 72 hours", or something like that. Player 1 now has to re-grind at least 45 consecutive wins in warzones in order to get 5 mainset pieces with the pvp juggernaut set bonus. Do you think player 1 will be happy about this? Do you think this whole entire unpleasant occurance could have been avoided by adding some more coding? Do you think that we can avoid contacting customer service about this kind of issues in future updates? The answer is yes. In terms of how the developers wish to implement this, that is up to them, but some kind of trade in system MUST be implemented in this game for pve and pvp items. There is nothing more frustrating then having to regrind to get the same gear, or having a million people constantly ticketing customer support for wanting to trade in their items, whether they used them or not, for an equivalent item (ex: battlemaster gear for other battlemaster gear worth the same warzone commendations, or just trade it back in for a commendation refund).


Example2: Player 2 purchases the wrong pair of pvp boots. Player 2 plays 1nce a week or just puts it in his bank and forgets he had them. A week later he realizes he still has the boots, opens a ticket to get refund, gets the 72hr customer service reply. Player 2 now has to regrind another gear piece and is an angry customer.


My Suggestion, improve the BOP item restrictions to having an indefinite trade-in time or at least a month trade-in time. The current system is simply griefing both the players and the customer service staff.


I hope the general idea is clear for my suggestion, please post if clarification is needed.


Customer Service Mail To Me:


Greetings DK,


My name is Mark, and I have just been chatting to you in-game regarding your request to swop items for your character in Star Wars: The Old Republic.


I am sorry that I was unable to help you in this particular case. As I mentioned in our chat, we are unable to perform item swop/restorations after a period of 72 hours from when the items is purchased.


I do like the idea you suggested regarding swopping like for like items back at the Vendor, and I will be passing this suggestion on to our developers. If this is implemented in the game, it would certainly stop these kinds of situations from occurring in the future. As well as placing this idea in the Suggestions Box on the official forums at swtor.com, I would recommend you creating a thread regarding this suggestion on the forum to gauge others players opinion on the suggestion. As the old saying goes, 'The more the merrier' and if enough interest is given to this, our community team will also bring this to the attention of our development team.


I am aware of the belief surrounding the Suggestion Box on the forums that it's the place where good idea's go to die, but I can assure you that our developers do read this thread. We are always looking for idea's to improve the game, and I can confide to you that some of our recent changes to the game, as well as upcoming content and features, have come from direct feedback from our customers.


Again, my apologies regarding my inability to do the items swop for you, and I hope that this has not impacted too negatively regarding your enjoyment of the game.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.





Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service


Edited by DkSharktooth
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