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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PVP needs to be divided by valor ranks!!!


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Now, what I am proposing would look something like this:

Recruit - 800

BM - 1150 (Which is only an additional 350 Expertise over the Recruit gear.)

WH - 1350 (Which is only an additional 200 Expertise over the BM gear.)


There is still a bonus for people to get full WH gear, but there is not such a huge disparity between expertise levels among pvp'ers at level 50.



Hmm. Interesting suggestion.

I wonder how much the base stats would effect the overall damage given and received with yer proposed expertise values. Intriguing factor.


Oh yeah, valor rank means about as much as yer legacy name.

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I really wish 50 PvP was better. I have good days and I have REALLY bad days. On good days there are some rolls and some close matches. On bad days there is match after match of incredibly lopsided, well-geared premade teams. About 5 minutes in, I still have zero medals because I can't scratch the other team. I don't pretend to have the perfect solution but I really want it to be better.


I haven't played PvP in any other MMO and I really enjoy it in SWTOR. They have made a really good foundation. But, I will never be a hardcore PvPer, and I don't want to play against hardcore PvPers. I don't want to obsess over my gear mods and learn the fast-twitch skills to fire in three directions while simultaneously healing and carrying the Huttball. I don't want to listen to people who wine about bads on their team. I just want to have some fun and I want to play with people who are there for the same reasons.


I was hoping the introduction of ranked PvP would lure the hardcore players away and allow the rest of us to have fun, but it hasn't. There needs to be some kind of better matchmaking system. Valor doesn't seem to be the answer necessarily. I think expertise would help a lot but then that makes matchmaking take a lot longer. I think cross-server queues are the only hope. I'm sure it introduces a load of other complications but can't we attempt to work through them? I'm getting seriously burned out on PvP even though I love it. And sub 50 PvP is a lot more fun than 50.

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Well at the very least if players form an ops group then they should be only be able to que for ranked warzones. This will prevent the war heroes, warlords and conquerors from just ridiculously farming the lower geared toons. Yeah it may cause que times to be a little longer, but it will be alot more balanced on both sides. If it'll give both sides a fighting chance then so be it.
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Well at the very least if players form an ops group then they should be only be able to que for ranked warzones. This will prevent the war heroes, warlords and conquerors from just ridiculously farming the lower geared toons. Yeah it may cause que times to be a little longer, but it will be alot more balanced on both sides. If it'll give both sides a fighting chance then so be it.

It actually makes it easier. Form up with your war-hero buddies and rolfstomp the team.


The solution to this debacle is to use an MMR system like starcraft II. But with the level of intelligence of Biowares Designers, they could not possibly hope to implement it correctly.

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Well at the very least if players form an ops group then they should be only be able to que for ranked warzones. This will prevent the war heroes, warlords and conquerors from just ridiculously farming the lower geared toons. Yeah it may cause que times to be a little longer, but it will be alot more balanced on both sides. If it'll give both sides a fighting chance then so be it.


uhhh since when can an ops group Q for reg wzs?


The most a premade can make is 4 people, which equals half the team. This definitely can help a lot, but it doesn't necessarily determine how the wz will go.


The huge issue here is not that people have high valor, or premades... it is the gear. SWTOR has taught too much instant gratification with it's theme park mechanics. It should take a hell of a long time to gear up full PVP gear. This would keep the spread further, so that new 50s and casual gamers would not have such a huge barrier..


This being said, I do enjoy being full WH and going through additional pieces in order to pull mods out and fine tune my gear. But, it definitely does not make me invincible. Objective bases PVP is about OBJECTIVES. If a team plays with their heads in the game it is easy to upset almost any enemy team. Maybe it is time to stop worrying about premades and gear, and start thinking about how to work as a team. This is not Solo Wars.

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