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theme naming


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How many of you have characters that have names based of something and what is it?

for me there is canderordo named after canderous ordo and zeninja a combination of zen(a form of meditative state if I am not mistaken and also meaning good if I am not mistaken) and ninja (which if memory serves means assassin).

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My sister names her character after prominent and strong-minded women from history such as Sacagawea, Boudicca or Eleanor of Aquitaine. Her husband usually sticks a common word or phrase in all his character names so that the guild can identify him on any alt, by knowing that Icefox and Greyfox and Foxxy are all his toons. These are examples I am making up, but representative ones -- toons with these names are not necessarily my family.


I don't do this so much. Generally, I create names for their sound to suit their culture or concept. All the U-sounds in Uluain, for example, remind me of Luminara Unduli -- a Mirialan Jedi Master from the films. So I try to go for Star Wars-y names, myself, which may kind of be a theme, but not really.

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I named most of my characters after the wonderful webcomic Homestuck, which everyone should read. It is so popular that it crashed newgrounds' servers and raised $800k for a game in 2 days. I'm sad I haven't found more fans to amuse with my names!


Shadowlands: Kanaya, Terezi, Vriska, Meenah, and Aranea.


Ebon Hawk: Porrim, Latula, Meulin, and Mituna

Edited by elliotcat
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I tend to run through the random name generator until I find one I like and go with that. The only exception of my SWTOR characters is my smuggler, S'leeva, whose name is a vaguely Chiss-sounding corruption of sljeva, the Croatian(I think) word for plum. Since they wouldn't let me have Plum, Smuggler. :D
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Most of my character names have come from the random name generator and sound pretty good, but there are two exceptions.


My morbidly obese Sith Sorcerer is called Twisties because he evidently ate too many of them.


And I have a character named Adobe. I can't say anything in general chat without someone mentioning photoshop.

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I like to use Georgian words that have a nice ring to them. For example, my Juggernaut is named "Ghrubeli" ღუბელი which means "Cloud" in Georgian and my Consular is "Ipikre" იპიკრე which is Georgian for the command, "Think!"


I have some future planned ones, but I won't share them just yet! You all might steal them!

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I like to use Georgian words that have a nice ring to them. For example, my Juggernaut is named "Ghrubeli" ღუბელი which means "Cloud" in Georgian and my Consular is "Ipikre" იპიკრე which is Georgian for the command, "Think!"


I have some future planned ones, but I won't share them just yet! You all might steal them!


Wow. This is gorgeous.


I have no unified theme at all, and my names are pretty lame. My Warrior was Ruth because I was in a tearing hurry to create her at the time, I knew she would be Light Side, so she wouldn't be ruthless, so...that's cheesy, yes, but I want to start this plotline RIGHT NOW so just roll it, go go go.


Wynston was, with a vowel tweak to get a non-taken name, named after both Winston Churchill and the protagonist of 1984. He is a very, very good Agent.


Womanizing smuggler Kirsk absolutely would've been Kirk if the name hadn't already been taken. So I had to add a letter. Why not make the new name rhyme with Kursk, the site of a major upset victory over the Nazis in WWII (heroism!) and the name of a submarine that very famously blew up and sunk (disastrous hijinks involving highly specialized ships are the smuggler way!)?


Larr Gith got her last name from the fact that I was playing Planescape: Torment and some guy warned me, again, not to trust the Gith. They're kind of mysterious jerks. Bam, name, stolen.


The rest of my characters' names just seemed like a good idea at the time. I'll sit there tossing syllables around until something resolves itself.

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