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How long it takes to complete storyline?


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It's not set in stone. Depends on how often you play. I take it you mean the character storyline i.e. the class storyline. In order to complete it, you must also play through all the planets and their respective stories.


I'd say that if you're a casual player who plays 2-3 hours a day (and not every single day) it might take more than a month for each class story. If you put in more hours it would be quicker.

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IRL, I would agree with the other posters, it depends on how much you play, how often (you level faster when you spend all your time on one character), and how long things take you in general.


In game, I see most stories taking two to three years, plus however long the player's time off in interludes is. Probably a couple weeks to months on each planet, and then transit, and in a couple of stories there are places where a couple weeks or months pass without you, as a player, doing anything. The end of the second/beginning of the third act for knights is an example.

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It all comes down to how much you play and if you stick with one character. I can usually get from 1-50 in about 2 weeks, while a friend of mine has a lvl 42 Bounty Hunter that he has been working on for around a month. But I'd say don't worry about how long it will take, just kick back and enjoy the journey.
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I don't have exact numbers, but it took me about 50 hours to do my no-holds-barred, must-progress-storyline-as-fast-as-possible Warrior run. This was prior to the Legacy system and any related XP buffs and was done mostly in green quest gear (no crazy purple weapons for ultrafast killing). I did straight questing rather than sidelining into space combat, flashpoints, or PvP.


You can easily take 80+ hours to level to 50 and still be finding side things when you hit 50.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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Thanks for all replies, I appreciate it. I enjoy this game very much, I was just curious how long it takes to complete storyline because I can't wait to see how it ends and then start with new character. There is at least 4 another characters I want to complete game with, so it appears that there is a lot of playing before me.
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If you get through four, and are still interested, I really do recommend all eight. In addition to their unique story arcs, I find each class is actually fun to play, with a different feel for each provided you avoid the mirror classes on each faction.


Example, I have a Shadow already, so Empire-side I am levelling a Sorcerer, and enjoying it just as much in an entirely fresh way. In that other MMO, some classes just didn't work for me at all (I sucked with anything in light armor). Here, I have some favorites (Gunslinger, Sorcerer) but have enjoyed them all.


I don't mind running through the world story missions again, either, because I am more familiar with the encounters so it goes more quickly. And of course the classes each tackle the same challenges differently, which is useful for learning the class dynamics.

Edited by Uluain
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Me, I've been playing off and on for months (only recently got a computer that can play the game; prior to that I was playing at a friend's house when possible). I'm taking one character at a time, playing each story through rather than jumping in and out of a few different ones.


I'm only now inching close to the end of my Knight story.


To me there is tons of content in this game, so I don't get why people say there isn't enough to do. Granted, as I said I haven't been able to play regularly until just recently. Even so, now that I can I still think it'll take me a LONG time to do and see everything.

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To me there is tons of content in this game, so I don't get why people say there isn't enough to do.


I think that has to do with Endgame content. They did a great job as far as content while you are leveling, unfortunately at 50 the only thing to do are dailies for gear (PvE, PvP, FP, Ops).

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