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What do Miralukans look like under the eye guard?


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This is a question that has been plaguing me since I created my bounty hunter Marinda. What is under her eyeguard? I have put the question to the populace of my server The Ebon Hawk but I keep getting conflicted opinions.


So Miralukans actually have eyes that are not used or is there nothing under their eyeguards but blank skin? Or are their eyelids closed llke they are asleep?


I was hopefully at the latest patch that this question would be anwered, but when I put a circlet on my Bounty Hunter there was still eye coverings.


Is there a definitive source to answer this question?


Thanks in advance,


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if u angle it right u can look under it with some of the clothes u can pick from. There's like a metal log in the socket OR just black emptiness. this is probably more from just lazy coding to actually add a visual graphic and I'm guessing bioware took the human model and just removed the eyes...so lore wise no idea but thats whats in game right there.
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They don't have anything under there. It is just blank skin where eyes would be on a human. The clothes/shades/whatever cover the area becuase it is said to be very creepy looking. They're supposed to still have vestigial eye sockets that are only lightly covered by skin. The Miraluka are one of the "near-human" species, which means they're a race that evolved from humans after living on a particular alien world for many generations. IIRC The Miraluka homeworld is a somehow habitable world that orbits a radio star, meaning that there is almost no radiation reaching the world in the visible light spectrum.
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So then maybe it's like that blind opera Singer Andre Botecelli? It looks like his eyes are closed all the time? Is there anywhere that there's an image of the Miralukan's face without the eyeguard?


I doubt there is anything that isn't fan art. To be clear, as far as I know, they don't have eyes. Under the coverings is unbroken skin covering empty holes in their faces.


Like a surprisingly large amount of the EU, I think the Miraluka originated with the Star War table top RPG. After the EU got big in the 90's following the Thrawn trilogy a lot of the authors and developers that were brought in did quite a bit of cribbing from the game manuals. Pretty much any race that has an overly complicated (and fairly stupid) background can be assumed to originate with the RPG. Their status as a "force sensitive race" is more or less short hand for "mage-hybrid classes only", and the origin of the lack of eyes is just a bit of a cool background to explain away that status. Given that, no one I'm aware of has ever poked too deeply into the background of the Miraluka. I'm pretty sure kotor 2, TOR, and Jedi Knight are the only major appearances of members of the species, and only kotor 2 spent much time talking about their background.

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I think sooner or later they are going to have to explore the graphics of an unmasked Miralukan cause let's face it, the first thing everyone did with their Barbies and GI Joes was peel off their clothes to see if there was anything there naked. So much of how I RP my toon is melded into the fact that technically she doesn't have to 'look' at anything. Literally, she doesn't even have to turn to speak to someone or know they are coming when you think about it.


Also, what if, and this is a pretty big 'if' a Miralukan was born without Force Sight? There are Purebloods that don't have any Force sensivity, why not a Miralukan?


This is what happens when something is kind of made up on the fly because it was cool and then it becomes canon. Now there has to be all these answers and restrictions set to it.


I think at this point I'm just going to have to be satisfied with the discussions moreso than the actual distinctions. I appreciate everyone's opinions though, immensely.

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Someone asked for images. Behold, I bring you images!





I presume the second image is post-looking-at-the-Ark or something.


Oh, and just in case the links don't work, I found them @ Wookieepedia.

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Someone asked for images. Behold, I bring you images!





I presume the second image is post-looking-at-the-Ark or something.


Oh, and just in case the links don't work, I found them @ Wookieepedia.


Aye, the second pic shows Visas after she was captured by Darth Nihilus. It was said that he'd carved out the skin where her eyes would've been to make her look more like him. <shudders>

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Aye, the second pic shows Visas after she was captured by Darth Nihilus. It was said that he'd carved out the skin where her eyes would've been to make her look more like him. <shudders>


Yeah, that one doesn't look natural.


I sort of imagined they'd have something there, not just smooth skin draped over an eye socket. Maybe a smaller socket the skull has slowly closed around and a small, cloudy bug eye or something.


I have trouble imagining skin evolving to cover an empty hole.

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What advantages are obtained by Miralukans by losing their eyes? Possible explanations include:


1. Not developing eyes allows the individual more energy for growth and reproduction.


2. There remains less chance of accidental damage and infection, since the previously useless and exposed organ is sealed with a flap of protective skin


3. There is no advantage or disadvantage so genetic abnormalities that occur to the eye remain in the population.


Having a hole where the eye used to be seems to me like something an artist that has no understanding of evolution would come up with.

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Having a hole where the eye used to be seems to me like something an artist that has no understanding of evolution would come up with.


Seriously! I hadn't really thought about this much until this thread came up, but now I can't get rid of the, deeply nauseating, thought of what effects movement would have on the fluid dynamics of the CSF behind their new "face pouches."

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The original description for the Miraluka stated that they had non-functioning eyes but that was retconed for some reason. The Miraluka are an offshoot of humans and the "species" has is only been around for about 4'000 years by the time of the game so even with the Force guiding their evolution I highly doubt they would lose their eyes completely in that short of time. Also the Miralukas first appearance was in the the Tales of the Jedi comics.
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The original description for the Miraluka stated that they had non-functioning eyes but that was retconed for some reason. The Miraluka are an offshoot of humans and the "species" has is only been around for about 4'000 years by the time of the game so even with the Force guiding their evolution I highly doubt they would lose their eyes completely in that short of time. Also the Miralukas first appearance was in the the Tales of the Jedi comics.


It wasn't a retcon. I actually dug out my old Tales comics to find the issue Wookiepedia claims is the first appearance (BTW anything that is in SW canon that comes across as very stupid and didn't come from the RPG probably came from Tales). There was a cameo by a Miraluka as a part of a big montage of Jedi doing "cool stuff." This is the description:


<Goofy 40's Newsreel/Clone Wars Narrator Voice> "Shoaneb Culu, Miraluka Jedi, demonstrates Uncanny ability with THE LIGHTSABER! The Miraluka of Alpheridies are born without eyes - - BUT see EVERYTHING... IN THE FORCE!." </goofy voice>


In the picture that goes with that narration it looks like the girl in question is using telekinesis rather than her saber. Did I mention Tales sucked?

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I would think that they would just have vestigial eye sockets, much like fish who have lived generations in caves, since Miraluka are basically a bunch of force sensitive humans who live on a red dwarf, which isn't luminescent enough to make vision useful. That's what I've always thought.
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