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1.4 changes explained in pvp


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First of all the QQ about the knock back on rocket punch being changed to a root, people are not realizing how much of a MASSIVE buff this is:


Why root is better than a knock back, sentinles/maras/juggs/guardians/PTs/Vanguards cannot leap when rooted, it lasts for FOUR seconds, did you read it right, FOUR seconds? on a skill with a 9 second cd? which is lower than any leap in the game? man the amount of pain you can bring to people crossing fire pits in huttball, AND it fills no resolve? HOW is this a nerf? hurrrr badds durrr.


Jet boost KB = root, holy *********** **** im excite, again NO leaping from annoying classes, no longer will i have a melee on me instantly after jet boosting him away. I am super excite.


The interrupt: need i say more?


Kolto residue slow: let the merc healer circle jerk begin.


Let me explain how you can now solo sentinels/maras,


leap to you, rocket punch, side step 5m away, tracer missile, into jet boost when in melee range, add explosive dart and tracer missile, leaps back to you, rocket punch again, side step again. cast final tracer missile , into heal seeking rockets into rail shot = GGGGGGGGGGGGG.

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Yea I'm sure you can solo a bad mara like that. A good one will now be a fight instead of a guaranteed trip to the medbay.


yes a good mara will : force choke you when rooted , or mez you or chuck a force scream at you, all of this can be countered by moving 10m away, the root lasts 4 seconds mind you. and if he does blow his cc well you still have jet charge and now he wont be able to insta force choke into viscous throw when you fall below 30%. imo best change for mercs since release.

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First of all the QQ about the knock back on rocket punch being changed to a root, people are not realizing how much of a MASSIVE buff this is:


Why root is better than a knock back, sentinles/maras/juggs/guardians/PTs/Vanguards cannot leap when rooted, it lasts for FOUR seconds, did you read it right, FOUR seconds? on a skill with a 9 second cd? which is lower than any leap in the game? man the amount of pain you can bring to people crossing fire pits in huttball, AND it fills no resolve? HOW is this a nerf? hurrrr badds durrr.


Jet boost KB = root, holy *********** **** im excite, again NO leaping from annoying classes, no longer will i have a melee on me instantly after jet boosting him away. I am super excite.


The interrupt: need i say more?


Kolto residue slow: let the merc healer circle jerk begin.


Let me explain how you can now solo sentinels/maras,


leap to you, rocket punch, side step 5m away, tracer missile, into jet boost when in melee range, add explosive dart and tracer missile, leaps back to you, rocket punch again, side step again. cast final tracer missile , into heal seeking rockets into rail shot = GGGGGGGGGGGGG.


Ok to ROOT them they have to be right near you, this means they can still attack YOU.. so that FOUR seconds your so proud of is time i want to be moving AWAY from that person, and when your FOUR seconds is up the knight can just leap back at you, its a nerf not a buff.. because NO GOOD merc is going to stand toe to toe with a Melee class for very long.

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Ok to ROOT them they have to be right near you, this means they can still attack YOU.. so that FOUR seconds your so proud of is time i want to be moving AWAY from that person, and when your FOUR seconds is up the knight can just leap back at you, its a nerf not a buff.. because NO GOOD merc is going to stand toe to toe with a Melee class for very long.


you good sir clearly do not understand how to kite, let me break it down to you, it takes 1 second to move out of melee range,even less if you side step as you hit rocket punch.


BUT in case you back pedal, let me explain what side stepping is : when you keep your attacker at a 90 degree angle from you and keep attacking. This achieves 2 things:


1) you can still attack

2) you move MUCH faster than pack pedaling

, leaving you with 3 seconds of time to set up your burst, get a long cast time skill off . also as to leaping back to you, da *** do you think we have jet boost for? also do you pvp much at all? cause if you did you would realise, roots >>Knockbacks, and roots+knokcback = legendary.

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Because i'd rather FIGHT than run off like a little girl


Then go play a mara you ******* playing a ranged class but who dont want to run away. My god people are so stupid sometimes.


Root + snare + interrupt, I'm a happy a happy merc.


Oh, and you win a instant heal as an arsenal, how great is that ? everybody's whining like little girls but nobody talk about the instant heal.

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Where on earth have you got the idea that Jet Boost (KB) will have a root attached to it now?


They have said nothing of the sort.


^ This. I suppose you can get the same effect by rocket punch then Jet Boost right after...but thats 2 globals.


Definately a nerf if they are taking away the KB.

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Let me explain how you can now solo sentinels/maras, leap to you, rocket punch, side step 5m away, tracer missile, into jet boost when in melee range, add explosive dart and tracer missile,....


Uh, no.


I play a Mara as well as a Merc in pvp. And the scenario you describe may be your dream scenario, but let me tell you what really will happen against even an average Mara/Sent.


First you need to know that most of the Mara/Sent population is transitioning the equipment they use and to exploit those changes most of them are now putting two skill ranks in Stagger.


So after they Force Charge to you, you are rooted for 3 seconds. One of the things they will apply to you in that 3 seconds is Crippling Slash (some Annil specs may use Rupture). So even though your RocketPunch has a 1 second duration advantage you will not be getting out of their melee range before the root wears off.


That's not to say that a 4 sec root for RocketPunch is always worse than the KB. Sometimes it will be better and sometimes it will be worse. But the Merc dps is so far behind the Mara subclasses, that this change I feel is insignificant. The addition of the interrupt is also nearly pointless in a combat vs. Mara/Sent. The addition of the interrupt does help if the Merc dps is attacking a healer tho.

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Uh, no.


I play a Mara as well as a Merc in pvp. And the scenario you describe may be your dream scenario, but let me tell you what really will happen against even an average Mara/Sent.


First you need to know that most of the Mara/Sent population is transitioning the equipment they use and to exploit those changes most of them are now putting two skill ranks in Stagger.


So after they Force Charge to you, you are rooted for 3 seconds. One of the things they will apply to you in that 3 seconds is Crippling Slash (some Annil specs may use Rupture). So even though your RocketPunch has a 1 second duration advantage you will not be getting out of their melee range before the root wears off.


That's not to say that a 4 sec root for RocketPunch is always worse than the KB. Sometimes it will be better and sometimes it will be worse. But the Merc dps is so far behind the Mara subclasses, that this change I feel is insignificant. The addition of the interrupt is also nearly pointless in a combat vs. Mara/Sent. The addition of the interrupt does help if the Merc dps is attacking a healer tho.


Well said Macroecon! The point is this change does not add to our survivability in pvp at all.

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The root is considerably worse, not just because the first thing a competent Mara does is snare you (and from then on, KEEP you snared), but also because as a soft interrupt the knockback is one of the few tools we have against the inevitable ravage.


Juggernauts and Guardians too, although against them we tend to save conc charge / jet boost for later in the fight as frequently the initial leap comes with CC immunity anyway.


This change only makes sense for a PT/Vanguard. The knockback needs to return.

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The whole arguement is for not. BW is forcing a full ranged AC into melee by shortening the range on all our control abilities minus the soft CC...Mercs have lost the battle before it started. Mercs need abilities that allow them to play tactically and stay at range....thats what range classes do..they mess up they die...This new design move basically forces them to mess up.


Mercs designers fail to understand ranged strats and as such the class is at a disadvantage..and its only going to get worse...because they think Mercs can temporarly go into melee and survive...they cant. Discussion over. Mercs stunk before and they are not worse really...but definately not better...The interupt should have been there from day one so im not excited about that...they just finally admitted they were wrong is all.

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The whole arguement is for not. BW is forcing a full ranged AC into melee by shortening the range on all our control abilities minus the soft CC...Mercs have lost the battle before it started. Mercs need abilities that allow them to play tactically and stay at range....thats what range classes do..they mess up they die...This new design move basically forces them to mess up.


Mercs designers fail to understand ranged strats and as such the class is at a disadvantage..and its only going to get worse...because they think Mercs can temporarly go into melee and survive...they cant. Discussion over. Mercs stunk before and they are not worse really...but definately not better...The interupt should have been there from day one so im not excited about that...they just finally admitted they were wrong is all.



Bw didnt think this through, we need ranged and we need to keep the attackers away from us.

This change should NOT go live, we dont need more stuns.

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Bw didnt think this through, we need ranged and we need to keep the attackers away from us.

This change should NOT go live, we dont need more stuns.


It took Blizzard 8 years to figure this out for their WoW Hunter class. Same issue. For 8 years they have screwed around and tried to make Hunters viable in melee, when in reality it was futile. I hope BW gets a clue a little sooner.

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I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that the staff at Bioware have absolutly no clue at what to do with not only the mercenary but all the classes...

It is sad because I've been playing this game for 3 months now with a mercenary as my main character and I just can't believe they haven't been able to make something viable for pvp (at least as an arsenal).


So what do we really got in 1.4 for the Arsenal gimpies?

-An interrupt, WOHOOOO, AT LAST PRAISE, THE GODS BIOWARE HAS LISTENED TO US, except that it was needed from day 1 for PVE and PVP, now we will no longer be shunned from Ops...

-A 3 stacks (3x Tracer Missile) instant heal, useful for PVE obviously, as for PVP, uh, by the time you cast your 3rd TM for your long awaited 2-3K instant heal you'll be probably at 10-20% HP before the Vanguard/Maraudeur keeps pummeling you to death.

The rest of the stuff is for Bodyguard and since I am not specced into it, I don't care.


Free advice: roll PT, they have a bright future.


*quick edit*

Edited by yoomazir
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It took Blizzard 8 years to figure this out for their WoW Hunter class. Same issue. For 8 years they have screwed around and tried to make Hunters viable in melee, when in reality it was futile. I hope BW gets a clue a little sooner.


This isnt WOW, ive never played WOW and its got nothing to do with this topic.

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I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that the staff at Bioware have absolutly no clue at what to with not only the mercenary but all the classes...


I hope you don't mind but I would like to change this.


I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that the staff at Bioware have absolutly no clue...


Do any of the Delvs even PVP? And if they do, do any of the play any thing aside from a marauder.

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