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Knock back rage. (1.4)


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Im sorry BW not i have not seen 1 post about anyone complaining about the Mercs having 2 knock backs and now you have changed this... Yet you turn it into a stun where if you READ your own forums you will see 1000's of post complaining about too many stuns in this game.


If ANY change is to be made to rocketpunch/stock strike it should be knock ROOTS target for 2 seconds.


I am not happy with this change at all. it really feels you have kicked us in nuts with this change...

Edited by Henu
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While being happy to get an interrupt in 1.4, the fact that Rocket Punch Afterburners (Which I found rather handy) now will stun instead of knocking people back.. Bah!:confused: Let us knock people back, and have them on their backs for a second or two instead. That sounds fair enough, but might be a bit overpowered with both a stun and a knockback. I don't know. Anyhow, I agree with you, OP! Edited by ughuurgh
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Rocket Punch now roots for 2 seconds, 4 seconds without damage taken after the 2 second mark. Granted, it's not going to be all that helpful without a knockback to go with it, but I like it more than a weak knockback that fills half a bar of resolve. Edited by Chaoskyx
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Rocket Punch now roots for 2 seconds, 4 seconds without damage taken after the 2 second mark. Granted, it's not going to be all that helpful without a knockback to go with it, but I like it more than a weak knockback that fills half a bar of resolve.


In PVP that punch knock back will be better than a stun, we have too many stuns as it is.. BW did not think this through.

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In PVP that punch knock back will be better than a stun, we have too many stuns as it is.. BW did not think this through.


No they didnt and they even screwed over Assassin/Sorcerer and Shadow/Sage players like me by changing Force Wave/Overload from a 360 arc to a 120 in front of you arc? Come on whats the point of smashing the ground if you cant knock away enemies that are behind you? This ability has saved me more times than I can count and now BioWare screws over PvE players like me just to make the PvPer's happy? They really did not think this one through at all.

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Yes BW have totally screw mercs on this patch and if it goes live then im sorry but im out. I only play merc in PVP and this change with the knock backs changes everything about the class. BW needs to stop with te stun wars.


NOTE*I do realize that other classes have been screwed also but i dont play any other class.

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Yes BW have totally screw mercs on this patch and if it goes live then im sorry but im out. I only play merc in PVP and this change with the knock backs changes everything about the class. BW needs to stop with te stun wars.


NOTE*I do realize that other classes have been screwed also but i dont play any other class.


There is no hope for any of us if people go SO frigging overboard like this. Personally I do think they've gotten it wrong, but good god man. "they have totally screwed us omgz im out". How do you get through daily life without breaking down? :D


Anyway, personally I think it should keep the knockback but apply a 2-4 second root. What use is a 4 second root with no knockback if they are already ontop of you? If we're using rocket punch then it means the enemy has already established melee contact, so we are probably slowed/rooted ourselves. How much distance are we going to create in 4 (slowed) seconds?

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Yes BW have totally screw mercs on this patch and if it goes live then im sorry but im out. I only play merc in PVP and this change with the knock backs changes everything about the class. BW needs to stop with te stun wars.


NOTE*I do realize that other classes have been screwed also but i dont play any other class.


It changes EVERYTHING about the class?? I don't even know what to say to that. Its a minor nerf thats negated by a interrupt. If you don't get the f out of Dodge when a melee is rooted then you are bad, plain and simple. Seems to me like you are just looking for a reason to quit. So quit and be done with it.

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it might feel i went Overboard but face it, in Hutt Ball what would you rather see, the guy with the ball stunned, then his R/bar filled up and he can just walk off or him knocked off where he is forced to pass the ball.


We have TOO many stuns already in this game.

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Been looking at this over on the commando side... For me at least as a gunnery commando, the loss of the KB is *huge*.


As was previously mentioned, what good is a melee range root? And why in hell would we trade a soft interrupt (*critical* against ravages etc) and a knockback for it?


So far the net effect of this and the stun reduction to 10 meters feels like a nerf.

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Been looking at this over on the commando side... For me at least as a gunnery commando, the loss of the KB is *huge*.


As was previously mentioned, what good is a melee range root? And why in hell would we trade a soft interrupt (*critical* against ravages etc) and a knockback for it?


So far the net effect of this and the stun reduction to 10 meters feels like a nerf.


Thank you, i agree with you 100%.

The known issues with our class and mirrored class has been Lack of an interrupt and lacking DPS. NEVER has the knock back issue be a brought up.

This change has been made by someone behind a desk that does not play the game... and if he does play then the doesnt play a merc in PVP.

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Been looking at this over on the commando side... For me at least as a gunnery commando, the loss of the KB is *huge*.


As was previously mentioned, what good is a melee range root? And why in hell would we trade a soft interrupt (*critical* against ravages etc) and a knockback for it?


So far the net effect of this and the stun reduction to 10 meters feels like a nerf.


Zach! How are you buddy? Best PVP commando I've ever seen.



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Agreed....They need to leave the KB effect and keep the root effect as well....Or add the root effect to our longer CD KB just like Sorcs.......Im not pulling an OMGZORZ im out...But this is putting me off the game quite a bit...My Merc was my first 50 and I want to play it in PvP and PvE and they just cant seem to get it right with Merc DPS...Matter fact they cant even bite off other classes properly...Keep trying to shove weaker crappy versions on Merc....


Honestly its so blatently bad its starting to actually IRK me. I like my Jugg but it was a result Of Merc sucking so bad to be honest...I WANT TO PLAY MY MERC...So figure it the -F- out!

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The biggest issue is the community and their whining.... LEARN TO ADAPT!

If mercs can pull off 600k+ dmg, then adapting wont be an issue, and to be frank i see a lot of them doing insanely high dmg... BW cant satisfy everyone at the same time, they are on the RIGHT track, they buff classes instead of nerfing the ones that "should" deserve it.

Give it time and adapt to the changes, crying after every update is childish and rubbish, if you cant adapt AND if there isnt a huge game breaking issue then you shouldnt be on the forum and spreading your whines and subjective opinions without even playing it.

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