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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.4 Scrapper Changes


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I don't get why people are so jazzed about the sprint. I mean, I get it because we need it but we still don't have the ability for the sprint to remove snares or roots. And, the real kicker is this:


- can't be used while stealthed

- is on 3x the cool down as Sage/Inq sprint

- lasts 2x as long as Sage/Inq sprint but at 1/3 the speed of the Sage/Inq sprint


Don't get me wrong, I love that we have this. It opens up the ability to kite, which we didn't have as easy a time as before, and it affords us the ability to get to a target faster when we're out of stealth but still in combat. But you can forget about trying to track down our stealthing cousins and their non-stealthing kin. And while this is all fine and good, our DPS is still where it was and our survivability is still suspect thanks, in part, to Sawbones Smugglers and Gunslingers. Hell, we don't even have the option for a snare on our opening stealth attack and yet we and Assassins/Shadows have a ranged snare just like us.


Apples and oranges, I get it. But having the ability to heal and cleanse shouldn't be the definitive reason as to why we're still not getting our sore areas buffed.

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The sprint is nice. I don't really want to take away from that.


But I think it should be better. Change it to 100% for 4 seconds. It would feel more stronger and useful, but still have the same average affect.


I was originally excited, because I hoped that it meant we were getting some serious attention. But now it just feels like we got thrown a bone, rather than truly looked over. Scrapper rotation past the initial burst is just...boring. And the annoying thing, is that it would be sooo easy to fix.


1. Flechette Round also triggers on Tendon Blast. (Why not? It's a shotgun skill, and gives scrappers a way to get the buff when using Back Blast and Shoot First is impossible.


2. Pugnacity no longer increases crit damage of Tendon Blast. It now increases crit damage of Sucker Punch/Flying Fists. (This makes our standard rotation feel a bit stronger. Yes, it will increase our opening burst, but that was already nerfed plenty a long time ago.)


3. Flying Fists has a 100% proc chance at the second rank. (It takes the randomness out the skill, and lets the player actually rely on getting the Upper Hand from Round Two)


4. Round Two additionally decreases the rate limit of Flying Fists by 2 second per rank. (This could be optional, but essentially would allow Scrappers to use Sucker Punch a bit more often, and get a bit more damage when they use it.)


That's what I think anyway. It would help smooth out our rotation, and give a few more options in a fight. It also puts more damage into Sucker Punch, which we lost from Back Blast and Shoot First, but still makes the ability resource limited by Upper Hands.

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I'm excited about the sprint because it will give a transcendence-like effect. I group up with a lot with sentinels from my guild and noticed my sustained DPS is much higher with the added mobility. The CD is pretty long, yeah, but I'm counting on the fact that it ends when leaving stealth, and Disappearing Act's CD is down by 25%. Now, if they can fix the issues that keep you in combat, popping in and out of stealth will be key.


There's no word on an increase in damage, and I don't have a character on PTS. Another thing I *am* excited about though is that moddable shotgun. I compare stats (again) with my sentinel guildies, and it's always bugged me that they can get more power with a lightsaber offhand. Should help with overall DPS...


I *do* wish there was more, but hope that the devs have this well-thought-out and tested...

Edited by agsyjuco
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I'm excited about the sprint because it will give a transcendence-like effect. I group up with a lot with sentinels from my guild and noticed my sustained DPS is much higher with the added mobility. The CD is pretty long, yeah, but I'm counting on the fact that it ends when leaving stealth, and Disappearing Act's CD is down by 25%. Now, if they can fix the issues that keep you in combat, popping in and out of stealth will be key.


There's no word on an increase in damage, and I don't have a character on PTS. Another thing I *am* excited about though is that moddable shotgun. I compare stats (again) with my sentinel guildies, and it's always bugged me that they can get more power with a lightsaber offhand. Should help with overall DPS...


I *do* wish there was more, but hope that the devs have this well-thought-out and tested...


One consoling fact for us poor, hard done by Scrappers who end up in the thick of it is the positional requirement now placed upon sorcerers for their knockback.


How many knockbacks does it take to fill our resolve, 4 or 5 ? Whatever, in a melee scrunch with 3 or more sorcerers (with overlapping, relatively quick cooldowns on this ability) it can be really frustrating to get our own positional requirements, even in stealth, when you randomly get knocked back by a sorcerer whose intended target isn't you.


It will be interesting to see how that plays once they have to turn around to knock you away, just as we have to run round them to get off a backblast. All fair I think :) (Since sorcerers are supposed to be one of the primary targets for Scrappers)


Mind you, we then lose out on our ability to root them when they choose to speed away from us. And they get to do it more often. Especially annoying given how handy that root could be when they try to speed across a fire pit.


And they gain some other buffs too. So the Scrapper vs Sorcerer battle tips further back into their favour.:)


But our own small buff doesn't really seem like that much sadly..

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