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Blade Storm, I don't get it!!!


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that is not even close. Merc slash does more damage instantly then master strike does over 3 s. merc slash+overload saber would deal at least 2 times as much.

Force exhaust does more damage over 5s. But is instant, so you can be doing other things as well.

prec+ms would take 4.5s. I could force exhaust, force leap, force sweep. and in 4.5s do literately 3 times as much damage as you did with prec+ms.


So with your calculations, you will be able to kill anyone in PvP in 4.5 seconds as Focus?



I also doubt that Merciless Slash will be doing 5k damage instantly in PvP.


With your calculations, Watchman and Focus will be able to just roll in and oneshot people no questions asked. So its either that, or you being completely wrong, and seeing as you seem to talk out of your ***, im gonna go with you being completely wrong.

Edited by Ghingis
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To move more toward knowledge and less toward anger...



Can anyone give me a run-down of their Combat rotation? I'm only lvl 27 atm, and I'm not doing horrible damage or anything, but I'm always looking for ways to better myself and my damage output. So, what are your rotations like?

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Charge > Zealous Strike > Blade Rush > Force Scream (will crit cuz of Blade Rush proc) > Crippling Throw (to root again) > Precision Strike > Master Strike (root cuz of talent)


After that opener, I'll snare or Force Stasis to open up CDs again and repeat if necessary. I also use Force Camo offensively to close gaps if necessary. RIsky but thats how I play.

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IMHO when you discuss Blade Rush VS Mericell Slash you forget to take into account that you have some spare points to spent on other trees and you can get rank 3 focused slash that will actually make your BR cost 2 focus and MS 4. And simple math states that two strikes of BR (each with automatic ataru) must hit more than 1 MS.

Do not know if you can manage to get them both through during 100% armour penetration, but if you can, then it should be quite powerful.


I am not quite there yet, but i think this can be a nice rotation: leap (+3 focus), zeal (+5), precision slash (-3), BR (-3, +1 -you will have 3 focus by now enough for one more, BR (-3,+1). By now trance is long over and you have at least 2 focus so you can finish with a blade storm (-2 focus).


On paper this looks nice. How does above work in reality - pls post your comments (preferably after trying ;) )


P.S. Regarding " I get XXX ability on earlier lvl with Watchman tree than you in Combat tree" - people, this game has an epic-fast leveling speed. You get to lvl 40+ very quickly (I actually think leveling is WAAAYYYY too fast). So when you consider comparing take lvl 50 chars ony. Or at least lvl 40 - when you have completed one tree to the top)

Edited by firesprite_ea
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Precision hits for like a third of the damage of any of those moves listed. Less then slash.

It then gives 100% pen for 6s on a 15s cd.


Focus gets 20% pen all the time on all moves.


How much armor do you think targets have? light is like 10-20%, med is like 20%, heavy is like 30-40%.

Reduce merc slash, exhaust, sweep or leap by 30% and its STILL more damage.


Watchman's damage is mostly internal.


Looks like you have no idea how armor pen works. It's not your armor pen % vs their damage absorb %.


20% armor penetration is pretty much useless on Heavy/Medium armor because their armor values are high. If the target has 1000 armor, you will attack as if he has 800 armor, but those 200 armor he lost only lowered his mitigation by 5%... Therefore your 20% armor pen is most effective on light armor whose armor values are already low and any loss is devastating.


However, Precision slash is a 100% armor penetration which means it is the same as the target having no armor at all, therefore the effect is MUCH more powerful than your 20% in Focus. Even a tank in full heavy armor will get destroyed during those 6s while you'd just be pocking at him with Focus.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Focus gets 20% pen all the time on all moves.


How much armor do you think targets have? light is like 10-20%, med is like 20%, heavy is like 30-40%.

Reduce merc slash, exhaust, sweep or leap by 30% and its STILL more damage.


You have no clue how armor pen works. But the guy above me (Ramza) just explained it so, meh ;p


On topic, I just dont understand why people think Combat has bad damage.

I mean just with that 100% armor pen ability, we can take 50% of enemies HP in seconds.

I mean in those 6 seconds you can hit "Blade Rush (Good damage + Ataru Proc), Blade Storm (100% Crit chance + 30% extra crit damage) and finish with Master Strike (Huge Damage) that should just hit with all 3 hits because of Rot within those 6 second. I am sorry but all those abilities that ignor 100% of the targets Armor is just insane, that Combo makes most people panic.

Edited by OldxLady
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You have no clue how armor pen works. But the guy above me (Ramza) just explained it so, meh ;p


On topic, I just dont understand why people think Combat has bad damage.

I mean just with that 100% armor pen ability, we can take 50% of enemies HP in seconds.

I mean in those 6 seconds you can hit "Blade Rush (Good damage + Ataru Proc), Blade Storm (100% Crit chance + 30% extra crit damage) and finish with Master Strike (Huge Damage) that should just hit with all 3 hits because of Rot within those 6 second. I am sorry but all those abilities that ignor 100% of the targets Armor is just insane, that Combo makes most people panic.


I watched someone do 6x Zen Blade Rush after a Precision hit on a Guardian because his MS was on cooldown. I was laughing my *** off, the tank lost over 50% of his HPs in 6s.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I don't think Blade Storm benefits from the reduced armor though does it, since it's not really a weapon damage attack? Correct me if I'm wrong as I don't have any experience with Combat.


it does. Armor mitigates weapon and kinetic damage.


"force" moves are kinetic. sweep, ataru, blade storm, stasis.

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