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completing Heroic and Flashpoints while solo

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If you can't get a group together to finish a Heroic or Flashpoint, wait till you reach the level cap for that planet and go back and complete them while solo.


For example Korriban is levels 1-10, wait till you reach 10 and go back to complete, but if you complete it while your above the cap say 11, you will miss out on the experience and loot. You can even try it at level 9 just to be more safe.


For the flashpoints I would just go with the level cap from the next plant in the main quest

Edited by XDrcaul
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Is it possible to solo a Flashpoint? I thought they required groups specifically, and so couldn't be done solo? I'm a level 19 Gunslinger and haven't done any flashpoints at all.


I'm not much of a social gamer. I tend to avoid grouping because I hate being yelled at for not playing my "role" to other people's expectations, or being specced out as they want me to be, regardless of what I want to do. I want to play for fun and am not overly competitive at all. I like the vibrancy of an MMO though, the world always seems more alive with other players around, I just don't want to have to interact with them unless I absolutely have to.

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Yes it is, its just harder if you are not powerful enough. On the esseles one I tried to do it by myself and was progressing pretty far but the middle boss was just too much to handle (at the time) with all the surrounding enemies also attacking.


I assume if you are high enough in level or have powerful enough of a weapon and healing items you can get through at least the initial ones

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Is it possible to solo a Flashpoint? I thought they required groups specifically, and so couldn't be done solo? I'm a level 19 Gunslinger and haven't done any flashpoints at all.


I'm not much of a social gamer. I tend to avoid grouping because I hate being yelled at for not playing my "role" to other people's expectations, or being specced out as they want me to be, regardless of what I want to do. I want to play for fun and am not overly competitive at all. I like the vibrancy of an MMO though, the world always seems more alive with other players around, I just don't want to have to interact with them unless I absolutely have to.


You can solo Flashpoints, as long as your companion complements your class disadvantages. Using sith warrior as a tank, I have a ranged companion to complement my lack of range. I have also a healer, that heals me while tanking on 1 vs 1 boss battles.

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I assume though the loot would be more appropriate for a lower level character, and I really wouldn't gain much running it solo, other than experiencing the story, right?


If the loot drops are low you could always trade or sell them, I do them to gain more experience points.

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