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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will we ever see Paid Faction Change?


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I would really appreciate some developer feedback on this...a clear answer is the difference between hundreds of hours of time out of my life, or a couple bucks out of my pocket.


I made a Jedi Shadow in anticipation of needing a Republic faction character for HK-51, but what I never anticipated was how much I would actually enjoy playing the AC. My guild is important to me though, and I quickly found myself having to choose between either sacrificing time with them, or ignoring playing a new class that I was really really enjoying.


In the end, playing with my guild-mates won. After spending almost 10 days played getting my Shadow halfway to War Hero, and nearly full BH geared, I chose to pretty much abandon him.


What I really don't want to have to do now is level a Sith Assassin up to 50, and spend all that time on Endgame PvP and PvE just to have the same character I already have worked for. Let me pay for a Faction change! I'm not angry, and this isn't anyone's fault but my own, but this just seems like a convenience option that would be very nice to have somewhere in the future. I would really appreciate just a nibble of information, so as to avoid me really starting to spend time (and my final character slot) on an Assassin :rolleyes:

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What was your reason for abandoning him?

Couldn't you have just made another character as well or was this a rule that the Guild has?


No, no guild rules. I guess abandon was a strong word to use...I stopped playing with him because I got tired of missing out on stuff with my Imp buddies because I was off playing my Pub alt.


Not many in my guild have anything to do with the Republic, and efforts to insert myself into a new guild on the Republic side didn't really go that well, which was frustrating. I found myself wishing my Shadow was just an Assassin, so I could play the class I loved with the people I like to play with. That not being possible at the moment, I decided to stop spending so much time playing with him. The reason I didn't make an Assassin is because after almost 10 days played on the Shadow, I find it really discouraging to start from square one again.

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By the time they -do- have "Paid Faction Change", you could level up an Assassin and gear him ten-fold. Just do it. If it only took you a week before, another week is nothing. You may even enjoy it more playing with your guildies.
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If it lasts that long then yes i definately think it will see a paid faction change.


But it will have to last a very long time because no telling how long it will take these people to figure out how to do it, their track record suggests sometime after 2015.

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