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A few changes I'd like to ask about...


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What are your plans for adding more customization to the game? The Hue to Chest is alright, but being able to dye my armor so I don't look like fifty other Sith/Jedi would be even better. Also abilities..you should look into Everquest's Alternate Advancement stuff: I.E once you hit a certain level, you can split xp into levels, and earning points to go toward either new abilities, or augmenting old ones. One last question, when will you be allowing the benefits of having x amount of armor sets to be transferred over to custom armor sets for the PvP armors?


P.S: I know I posted this once already, seems to have vanished, I'll keep bringing it up if I have to on new threads should this one seem to vanish without a trace.

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Pushed off ten pages. I checked. I'm far from a noob and I know how forums work thanks, go troll elsewhere.

Yep, this guy isn't your regular forum noob troll, he's clearly a pro.


After all, he's above searching for threads he started, oh no, only noob would do this.

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Yep, this guy isn't your regular forum noob troll, he's clearly a pro.


After all, he's above searching for threads he started, oh no, only noob would do this.


So if you ask a question you want an answer to, you mean you don't look for your own thread to see if the devs have an answer for you? BS. Move along.

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