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Fix the game so people would actually want to play it, not so hard...


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The writing is on the wall, swtor is nearly dead. The creators built a game around a story, and forgot that when players reached 50, there needed to be content for a game. It happens, novices try to build games around brilliant ideas... and it happened here. Star Wars is immensely popular, and remains popular. They should have started with the game... level 50, what do players do at 50 and built that. Then added a story which would teach the player to play well at 50. Okay, so its mostly right, minus the level 50 content.


PVP specifically has a problem though, and its directly related to server population. To make a queue work there has to be enough people wanting to play pvp at that minute. The first problem is that the world is separated into two halves, Jedi and Sith with the only interaction being conflict. This is poor move, so the governments are at war, commerce still moves. Each "server" needs to have a minimum number of players to sustain the queues, whom are at that moment wanting to play pvp.


1. Open the pvp arena's like huttball to all the players in 1 queue with random teams, Sith and Jedi alike. This should massively speed up the game.


2. The new player and the old player in pvp are unable to play together because the difference in gear between recruit and war hero is ridiculous. The solution is to make a Huttball type arena with a queue for it which includes all the players who sign up, and locks the stats of all players to recruit level.


3. An option to eliminate the ridiculous gear mountain would be to eliminate recruit gear from the game and issue Battlemaster to everyone in its place. The difference between Battlemaster and War Hero appears to be less than 5%, which is enough to be a reward, but not so much that the game is destroyed.


4. The last piece is to add content to the level 50 game. If for example IF there are level 50 flash points and operations different between Sith and Jedi, open them up to both sides. Do that and you have effectively doubled the content in the game. Just don't make the mistake of adding more levels, any addition will invalidate the leveled content before it.


The best longest running and most powerful games are all built around the concept of skill to play, with two levels: novice, and experienced player. They can have any number of steps in Novice, but once they graduate to "player" thats it. Building a skill game is arguably much more difficult, but the player retention is also higher.


This game is dying... sad to see. Not much time left to fix the fall.



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So a "I want Starwars to be a Guild Wars cheap knock-off post" in disguise.



By the way they are coming out with MK-II Recruit gear to lower the gear gap but oh you dont care. You dont got War Hero but you are the best PvPer in SWTOR quite possibly in the world just gear makes you get owned 100% of the fights right?


Trust me gear progression isnt going to be removed from SWTOR if you want a none or horizontal gear progression game

Guild War is that way ------>


If I wanted to play GW2 I would go play GW2 heck its even free to play. So sounds like you want to play Guild Wars 2 then go play it, making SWTOR a dirty low life cheap GW2 knock-off aint gonna do anything to "save" this game. Actually quite the opposite, not just the long term PvPers even the PvErs would quit if they cater to the I want anything no want any work crowd.

Edited by warultima
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So a "I want Starwars to be a Guild Wars cheap knock-off post" in disguise.



By the way they are coming out with MK-II Recruit gear to lower the gear gap but oh you dont care. You dont got War Hero but you are the best PvPer in SWTOR quite possibly in the world just gear makes you get owned 100% of the fights right?


Trust me gear progression isnt going to be removed from SWTOR if you want a none or horizontal gear progression game

Guild War is that way ------>


If I wanted to play GW2 I would go play GW2 heck its even free to play. So sounds like you want to play Guild Wars 2 then go play it, making SWTOR a dirty low life cheap GW2 knock-off aint gonna do anything to "save" this game. Actually quite the opposite, not just the long term PvPers even the PvErs would quit if they cater to the I want anything no want any work crowd.


i hope this game last enough

If it doesn't i will keep ur words as the "fanboi manifesto"

Going aggresive and raginf on someones idea is the first way to destroy a game

Well done , son

PS: I dont agree with the OP , but hell something must be done

Ps2: Most Pvp'ers already left

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A carrot on a stick without the carrot is just a stick.


Thats what GW2 is. They dont really have gear progression everyone is playing "dress up" like my little sister in kindergarten. Yea the reason in GW 2 to upgrade your gear is purely "cosmetic". If I want to play a cosmetic game I would've played Sims 2 with my GF. Sims 2 has easily 100 times more and far more complicated and indepth "gear progression" using GW2's analogy of "progression".

Edited by warultima
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Suggesting a tweak is fine, but demanding a complete overhaul of the system is just asinine.


Not to pick on you personally.. but what was suggested constitutes minor tweaks from the standpoint of the implementation of the game. Its work they can do after dismissing most of their development team, which they've already said was done. No major overhaul, no revamping of the entire system, just some little mods which for the most part can probably be done from the management gui.


Seriously, add an op from the Sith side to the Jedi as an option, enter management gui, load app, add Jedi players to the Sith op. Save, close app. Not hard.



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