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Let's make some credits!


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Could someone give me some guidance as to how I can make some good credits in this game? I have an artifice consular and a armstech gunslinger.


Is crafting the best way to go or just running dalies? Thanks for helping me out in fixing my bank situation.



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If you have a lvl 50 you can do what I do. I farm Champions on Hoth for a few hours a day making around 400k credits by opening the chests they guard and selling the orange Items they drop for credits. Then just send the credits to my other toons that need credits.
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Do dailies on both of your toons.


I also found that crafting doesn't get you rich on credits....at the high end of crafting it costs you a ton just to send out companions for the mats you need and even tho you can farm the mats you need ( if you have the right jobs) it takes a long time to gather them. Dalies also take a long time to do. That's why I farm Champions for their chests and orange and purple drops selling them to npcs.

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Companion gift farming is what brings me in most money currently, when pushing it I can make roughly 3 - 4 million credits a week with it. Certain of the epics retrieved go for like 15 - 25k a piece and you can get several of those a day alone, with hardly any effort as just every 30 - 40 mins you send your companions out to do the work again for you.
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Companion gift farming is what brings me in most money currently, when pushing it I can make roughly 3 - 4 million credits a week with it. Certain of the epics retrieved go for like 15 - 25k a piece and you can get several of those a day alone, with hardly any effort as just every 30 - 40 mins you send your companions out to do the work again for you.


The draw back here is you need all your companions to be at 10k affection to get the really good gifts and to do that you need to use gifts on your own to get them to 10k. And 3-4 million a week? Not saying you don't but that seems like a lot of credits a week for gift selling. I never made that much using 5 toons to farm for them everyday.

Edited by KeepMe
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When I need creds (usually to fund an alt) I do the 3 'easy' dailies on Belsavis, then fly to Ilum and do the 3 there (these are Rep side), then switch to a 2nd 50 and repeat. Each 6-daily run takes 45-50 minutes and usually pulls 75-80k, so a good 150k for ~1'45" work.
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