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On Korriban there is a short-side quest called ( Allegiance ) where you kill 4 taitors. at the end of the quest you get a korriban comm. Also Inquistor Arzanon states and I quote " Take this reward as a token of the Emperor's favor... and ware this badge, it mark you as a defender of our empire.


1. the token is the commindation


Issue here is we do not get a badge, that states we are the defender of the empire... after the quest is over just 1 comm.


My suggetion is to make a title and codex, That the players who complete the quest / mission get a Title that states ( defender of the empire ) and a Codex to match.


back story for Codex, Some Acolytes and slave's feel that they can't go through the trials to be sith. traitors know that can't leave the planet. Small groups have plotted and talked amung them selfs about killing there instuctors or other students, But the Emperor want the traitor's killed and the Academys grounds stained with the traitors blood.


So the Inquistors / instructor ask for Loyal Students to seek and kill the traitors on the Acadmey grounds.

Edited by JadenStar
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My suggestion is to have a ( badge / title and codex ) that states the player is a defender of the Empire.


Inquistor Arzanon states " Take this reward as a token of the Emperor's favor... and wear this badge, it marks you as a defender of our Empire".


The token is the Korriban Commidation. The badge there is none... Why not a badge ???????


I suggestion that every sith that plays / partakes in the Allegiance side quest gets a badge/ title that states:


Defender of the Empire


Codex to be added as well...


Back story for codex / Acolyte and slaves who have felt that this was a bad choise, these traitors know they can't leave Korriban, so they plot and amung each other, to do harm to other students and teachers... The Emperor knows that these traitors if they get orgianized could cause a stir in the Academy, that is why they must be killed.


The Inquistors seek out loyal students to seek out the traitors and kill them,

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