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how do i make a good healer for my merc?


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Just tough it out until level 20 - you'll get Kolto missile and it makes healing much more dynamic and fun.


Use this build for the time being: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300bsoM.2


A few things to remember, you should always be shooting allies with your basic attack to build charges on your Support Cylinder. You'll find that popping Supercharged Gas will save your life in a heated battle.



Heres the info on what it does:



Converts 30 charges of Combat Support Cylinder to supercharge your blasters, venting 8 heat and increasing all damage and healing dealt by 5% for 10 seconds. While active, the following abilities gain


Supercharge effects:

Power Shot: Heat cost reduced by 17.

Unload: Heat cost reduced by 8.

Healing Scan: Cooldown reduced by 100%.

Kolto Missile: Places a shield on all targets, reducing damage taken by 5% for 15 seconds.



Notice that your Healing Scan (which is your quickest heal) has its cast time reduced by 100% when supercharged, meaning you can cast it over and over again. Super helpful in a crunch.

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My personal best piece of advice for aspiring merc healers is this - try not to overuse rapid scan. The fact it has no cooldown lures you in, it's very tempting to spam it a few times but that is bad for you in the long run as you will build up heat FAST and you won't be able to drop it. Try to give a higher priority to kolto missile, healing scan, emergency scan(when you get it), even rapid shots if they're in a relatively safe "health zone"


Obviously if the target is taking some serious beating and is dropping fast then you have to bite the bullet and and use a few scans to keep him alive, but if he has a comfortable amount of health and is not suffering immediate burst, then try to use something cheaper.


At 25~28 you get the Critical Efficiency talent which helps you safely throw in a cheaper rapid scan every 10 secs or so, which helps a lot.

Critical Efficiency

Healing Scan has a [33.34 / 66.68 / 100.02]% chance to reduce the heat cost of your next Rapid Scan by 8.

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It's quite easy. All you have to do is log out, select create a new character and then make an agent. Once you hit level 10 go Operative and there you go.


Don't mind me, I am still bitter that my main was utterly destroyed by BW after 5 months of grinding.

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I hope you don't mind me piggybacking on your post, but I too am considering making my merc a healer. I've been playing her dps solo for 30 levels or so and I'd like to team a little more often now.


I have played a number of MMO's in the past so my question may actually seem a bit strange. In other games the healer when targeting another team member had the option of healing that team member or "assisting" on that team members target... i.e. dps the bad guy. Does SWTOR have such an option? As I'm asking this question, it seems rather silly to me, but it is a question and I know that I'm not the only person playing that has had it or has missed it.


Having a blonde moment... thanks for any help you can provide.

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I hope you don't mind me piggybacking on your post, but I too am considering making my merc a healer. I've been playing her dps solo for 30 levels or so and I'd like to team a little more often now.


I have played a number of MMO's in the past so my question may actually seem a bit strange. In other games the healer when targeting another team member had the option of healing that team member or "assisting" on that team members target... i.e. dps the bad guy. Does SWTOR have such an option? As I'm asking this question, it seems rather silly to me, but it is a question and I know that I'm not the only person playing that has had it or has missed it.


Having a blonde moment... thanks for any help you can provide.


Are you talking about target of target? There is indeed an option to set a keybind so you can see the "target of your target".


There is also a focus-frame feature, which will give you an additional permanent status bar (health bar, portrait etc) for 1 player of your choice at all times, kinda like how your companions bar is always there.


Search in google/youtube if you wanna know more about focus frame etc, kinda hard to explain here.

Edited by Sinsavz
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I have a Sage Seer healer and not a Merc healer (Seer is empire equal of Sorc healer). The best advice I can give other than the obvious (better gear etc) is this...



Being a good healer in this game is about minimizing the amount damage you take thus needing to heal yourself while anticipating the damage done to the group members. This is a skill you develop through trial and error. Take skills in your tree ALWAYS that maximize your healing ability and stay away from overall defensive increases unless you have points to spare as they hardly help a healer in group combat. If the tank and DPS do their jobs they will peel the agro off you anyway


Always stack your main stat (aim I think it is for bounty hunters) over endurance as it increases your bonus healing. Crit and surge are good for healers too. If you prefer more consistent healing instead of the burst healing crit and surge provide then stack power along with your main stat.


These are the best ways to be an effective healer in the game. Healing is about knowing the group, knowing the mechanics, and anticipating damage. Gear is only a small part of being an effective healer.

Edited by Brittaany_Banks
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