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Why Bioware should shift most of their focus to PvP


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Any good MMO have their focus on all their gameplay elements, they don't cater to just one crowd, this ain't GW2


Many do. I don't dispute that. I just don't believe that it's the healthiest approach from a gameplay perspective. IMHO, LotRO did it the best...they advertised very early on that PVP was NOT going to be a main focus, and was actually going to be a "side" game, isolated almost completely from the PvE player populace.


Any time you get a game that tries to satisfy both crowds with the same set of rules ends up disappointing a large portion of each. go back and read some of ghostcrawlers blogs on their eventual finding with PvP and they're design. very informative, and they probably have one of the best track records with this kind of mix (PvP in a PvE world). mixing the two just isn't a beneficial approach...it's a marketable one. As a dev you simply get more subs.


this can help the player base in ways, because more subs = more money for development. but overall i think the price you pay outweighs the benefits. neither side is really fully satisfied.

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For PVP to work it will have to be the game's entire framework. PVE should be the supplement, not the other way around. Example: Lineage 2. But it's too late for that now. They would have to reengineer the entire game from the bottom up.


You want my advice? Focus on the PVE.


Star Wars has always been about the story. I agree stick with PVE as main focus.

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