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Wanting to try Carnage


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Hello there fellow marauders.


I was wondering if anyone can give me any tips on carnage spec rotation and stats for pvp or point me in the right direction.


I have played nothing but Annihilation since leveling this character and i'm fully WH. But fancy making the switch to Carnage to see how things are on that tree, I read a post saying the Vindication mods are the way to go,


Any advice will be great thanks in advance

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Carnage is good but u have to rework your gear i still use anih and have done carnage as well but its all hype and play style really i still pull 500/700k with ani and carnage around the same but the self heals and crits are nice with my build and being able 2 2v1 is always nice but carnage is raw dps upfront anhi is sustained damage with good damage i get 4/5k white damage with anihilate and get 500/700 ticks with ani but try it out its a way different playstyle from ani and sometimes your looking for something to hit with and its all on cd the crit from fs is good but the way cc and stuns are u cant put out the damage like ani with ani u can switch targets and be ok but carnage with armor penetration from gore if the players run away its a waste
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