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Gearing up Doc


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I have completely outfitted myself in 61 mods apart from my hilts because I've yet to beat HM Kephess, but that's beside the point. The point is I now have no use for my BH comms. I was thinking maybe I gear up my Doc.


Basically, I have 3 questions.


How much should I gear up Doc? Like to what tier?


How much Alacrity should I give him? Considering he doesn't have a resource to worry about.


And, if hypothetically, I were to augment Doc's gear, what augments should I use?

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I realize this won't be an answer to your question, but if you were interested in rolling an alt, you could use the BH comms to buy gear for the alt, rip out the mods, put them in moddable legacy gear and ship them over.


When I used SWMonitor to measure companion dps, I was hitting mobs in the Black Hole for about 1500 dps but my dps companion was hitting for about 500 dps wearing full Rakata. I imagine healing would follow a similar trend.


My point being that gearing your companion with level 61 gear seems a bit of a waste (imo), unless you never plan on leveling an alt to 50.

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For Doc just hit the sweet spots for crit/surge and then stack power. While they have no resources to worry about, they do have CDs on their abilities which is the primary limiting factor in how often they can heal you. Honestly though, unless you are needing to gear up Doc I'd hold onto those BH comms and see what happens with the new tier of gear/ TfB. You might be able to get a jump on the new Relics or Implants or whatever.


Of if you're cybertech/artifice buy pieces and RE the choice mods (Power/Surge enhancements ;)) to try and get the schems. Then make the schems and sell them to guildies/on GTN and buy the 61 hilts. Or if you're a Biochem get the implants and RE them.

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Go with Power augments. I wouldn't use anything above green or blue for Doc.

I've never healed before, but wouldn't Cunning be better? Most of the scoundrel healers I know are using Cunning augments.


My point being that gearing your companion with level 61 gear seems a bit of a waste (imo), unless you never plan on leveling an alt to 50.

For the foreseeable future I will not be leveling another character to 50. The only reason I'm leveling characters now is to get the super buff.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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I've never healed before, but wouldn't Cunning be better? Most of the scoundrel healers I know are using Cunning augments.



For the foreseeable future I will not be leveling another character to 50. The only reason I'm leveling characters now is to get the super buff.


Power helps with healing.

Edited by Ramtar
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My doc was in full columi for ages becasue i found that was a big improvement on blues in terms of healing output.


Then i started to get Blackhole gear for doc. Currently he is in mostly blackhole gear and each peace of BH gear is augmented with cunning or power.


He keeps scaling quite nicely. i have just gone for the scounral BH pieces and not swapped out the alaricty mods because i cant be bothered paying to pullem out.


Its worthwile - in full BH myself with doc i can solo all the heroic daily content although shadows in blackhole is too slow to be worthwhile. I have not tried a flashpoint yet.


I agree thou cunning is better than power.

Edited by Mattmonkey
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