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why cant we change Advanced class?


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its been bothering me why we can respec but we cannot change advance class. don't you get annoyed when you want to change class but the only way to do so is to delete the character or go to another server. bioware please make it possible to change advanced class. maybe twice a month or something
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its been bothering me why we can respec but we cannot change advance class.


Because your Advance Class is your "real" class.

Commando and Vanguard are both ACs of the Trooper, but they're polar opposites in both playstyle and role.


It's been debated many times.


I'd go as far as saying too many times, even since ACs were first revealed!


Also, any threads like these would do best to be posted in the Suggestion Box


Can we have a halleluja for this man?!


For trying to encourage indivicual awareness and common sense in community members!

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This is the wrong section. And this has been debated for what feels like centuries. Training an advanced class is like getting married. You're committed and if you're gonna cheat, shouldn't it be with a better looking AC that does stuff that yours wont do.


BTW. Not endorsing cheating. *waves hand* you will forget I said anything.

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This is the wrong section. And this has been debated for what feels like centuries. Training an advanced class is like getting married. You're committed and if you're gonna cheat, shouldn't it be with a better looking AC that does stuff that yours wont do.


BTW. Not endorsing cheating. *waves hand* you will forget I said anything.


Mercenary is a two-faced tramp, you should always go with Powertech.

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