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Upgrading damage on my sith jugg dps


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I know its a strange choice for a dps model but I like the idea of using one lightsaber.

I'm currently lvl 38 and doing 321-410dmg with a 156-230 lightsaber.

Wondering if anyone could help me in raising my damage. I have upgraded to a high quality hilt ect. but still don't seem to be doing enough damage. Any help would be greatly appreciated as everyone I've asked has either ignored me or berated me for my choice of class.

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I know its a strange choice for a dps model but I like the idea of using one lightsaber.

I'm currently lvl 38 and doing 321-410dmg with a 156-230 lightsaber.

Wondering if anyone could help me in raising my damage. I have upgraded to a high quality hilt ect. but still don't seem to be doing enough damage. Any help would be greatly appreciated as everyone I've asked has either ignored me or berated me for my choice of class.


First of all congratulations on choosing a relatively complex yet highly rewarding advanced class! DPS Juggernauts are not only extremely capable single saber damage dealers but we are also one of the best looking classes in the game, both from a ability standpoint and from a pure aesthetic one as well - we are also highly mobile and versatile, able to dps and tank (albeit for a limited time) at will.


Improving your damage and survivability while levelling (I wont go into end game gearing here as it will just complicate things for you - plenty of other posts on that in these forums) can be summed up by examining 3 areas of your character.


1. Gear


As our main stat is strength you want to pile on as much strength while levelling as you possibly can. This can be through choosing gear which is high on strength with either power, crit or surge or a combination of the three as your secondary stat. All the gear you will need to be a decent damage dealer is available as quest rewards. Heroic quests and Flashpoints provide premium items that will be far superior to the green items you receive by doing your run of the mill class and faction quests. Also make sure to regularly upgrade your gear by either buying it off the GTN or through the quests/FPS i mentioned above. This includes upgrading mods in your orange gear (might armorings and strength/power/suge/crit heavy mods and enhancements).


EDIT: For clarification do not pick gear from rewards which is tanking gear - i.e. defensive gear - such as itmes which have higher endurance than strength and which typically have defense or shield rating / absorbtion as their secondary stat. This is tanking gear and you shouldn't be wearing any tanking gear at all otherwise you will decrease your damage. This goes for implants, armour, foci / generators and weapons. Also pick relics which are clearly geared towards inceasing your damage: + power, crit, periodical damage etc. Stay away from alacrity relics as we don't need them.


2. Build


As a DPS Juggernaut we have 2 talent trees available to us which, depending on what points you pick, will benefit you immeasurably and will provide you with the abilities which will be the bedrock of your damage dealing when you come to mastering your ability priority system.


To save time - pick Vengeance as the talent to spec into as that is at the moment our most popular and effective PvE dps talent tree. Pick Rage though if you wish to PvP mostly.


3. Priority Rotation


You need to master an effective priority sytem for your abilities to become an effective DPSer, without this, the rest is really for naught. Look on YouTube for a good Vengeance DPS rotation/prioirty system. There is a very good video on there which I don't have the link to which will tell you more or less all you need to know. Essentially Ravage is our top DPS ability and is the priority ability until your target is below 30%, at which point Vicious Throw supercedes Ravage as the no.1 priority ability. Also always make sure that your Sundering Assault stacks are up on your target (as close as possible to the maximum 5 as you can get) as this will greatly increase your damage.

You may not have some of the key abilities (Impale or Shatter) yet depending on your level. Sundering Assault and Ravage are your main damage dealers at the start - just work up from there.


4. (oops last one not so major to your damage but more survivability) Companion


Quinn - he is a good healer and will severley limi the downtime you have between fights. Keep him well geared (cunning and crit are his two major stats) and disable all his DPS abilities.


Vette - secondary to Quinn in my opinion as she cannot heal, only dps, but if you gear her up she will greatly decrease the time you take to kill mobs - however you will likely need to heal her and yourself in between each fight - slowing you down. For this single reason I prefer Quinn.

Edited by JamieM
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welcome to the class OP. it's my favorite, bar none. got 2, working on a third. Jamie was spot on....I'll just add a few more details into the mix. Keep in mind that these are in addition to Jamies points.


1) If it's hard to find/work on an optimized rotation, keep this in mind: you generally have enough time in-between sunders for two skills. use the ones you think you need the most. the important stuff is: keep your bleeds up, sunder as often as you can (on CD), and make sure you don't scream unless you have the buff up from impale or shatter.


2) when it comes to mods, I'd highly recommend leveling cybertech (or buy off the AH). the mods you get from commendations are not optimized for DPS...they're just easy to get. Like Jamie said...strength should be the highest stat on the mod. if endurance is higher, it's not the right mod for you. As you get higher, you'll see other stats pop up too (usually on either the enhancements, or the 'mod' mod itself, not on the armor mod). The DPS stats you want are: power, crit rating, and surge. Generally in that order. once you hit 50, you'll want to optimize crit to 30%, surge to 75% or higher, and then power. but until 50, just go for them in that order...power, crit, and surge.


and level cybertech. I know there's allot of debate on what craft is "best", but bar none cyber is the best for leveling. I will actually cycle through a few trades once i hit 50, but I tend to prefer cyber for leveling. if you have an alt, you can easily funnel materials to them and level Cybertech on them instead of your main toon....whatever works for you. but cyber is the only real source for the best optimized mods for a DPS Juggernaut. quest gear is bad. Flashpoint gear is good...but if you look at the individual mods, you'll find that they tend to favor endurance over str on those as well. Cyber is where it's at.


3) learn to utilize our utility in groups. far too often, i see DPS juggs just....DPS. People are amazed when i leap over to a ranged mob, turn around and force push it into the rest of the mobs so the tank can pick it up. Or interceded on the healer every cooldown (or the other DPS) so they don't pull aggro. Or simply yank (i.e. taunt) a mob off the tank at the last second because he's low and the healer needs to recover resources (btw...mara's dont have a taunt skill, one advantage we do have...I've saved many a pull because of taunt, even as a DPS jugg). taunt the mob, Blow your defensive CD and give the tank and healer 10 seconds or so to catch up. We have allot of versatility that goes unnoticed because players think that DPS = spam damage attacks.


I've had people joke about me looking like a ping pong ball :) But they are also impressed with how much stuff a jugg can do. but when you just sit there and hit things....people wonder why they brought you instead of a maurader, or Mercenary. So get used to using all of your skills..You'll be better at your class, impress others...and it looks hella-cool at the same time :)


If you want to do something that's fun as heck, practice this rotation enough so you can do it in groups. Leap to a mob, give it a sunder, force choke it, force push it into the other group of mobs (or into a wall..or off a cliff), throw your saber at it, leap at it again...sunder again...and hit it with impale. if you don't feel like a real "juggernaut" at that point, there's something wrong :) i still get giddy every time I use that routine

Edited by Elyx
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