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Jaina Solo Trilogy Sword of the Jedi


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let's not turn this into an author bashing book. Authors don't get to decide when major characters are killed, the publisher does. Mara was going to die one way or another, it's too bad her death landed with Traviss. She didn't kill the character, she just wrote the character's death. Mind you, Troy Denning wrote the death of 2 solo children so far, and R.A. Salvatore wrote the death of chewie. Why don't you flame those guys too?


I don't mind Jacen being killed, but Anakin, I do mind being bumped off. Anyways as far as authors not deciding, I remember hearing a rumor that they toyed with Anakin going darkside and was told no by Lucas, and then they misinterpreted that and killed off Anakin, which was not what Lucas said.

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As much as I'm looking forward to a Jaina set I've not really enjoyed Christies work so far. Hopefully not having to write as part of a larger story will give her the chance to shine through as a Star Wars writer but I'm probably gonna remain sceptical until after I've read the books.
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I am guessing making a book revolve around a heroine or passing on the torch to a newer generation of Jedi (we don't know that though). Personally I am glad that Jaina is in the artwork and hope that she is on the final cover, I can only think of 1 other cover with her on it and that is a very bad thing (Invincible).


there not really passing the torch as before the Jaina trilogy comes out there is one coming out about the Big 3 (Han, Luke, and Leia) .. but ya it's nice to see Jaina back in the spotlight ... the last real novel we had about just her was Dark Journey and I rather enjoyed that one... plus I can't wait to see them finish the work they were doing to tie in the SW Legacy series... I wanna see Fel get back in power and start the Fel Dynasty and if it's Jaina or Tahiri who start the Imperial Knights... and Luke has kinda become rather absurdly OP as of late and he keeps Ben close and I find that character very anoying so it will be nice to get away from that for a bit


I do wish they would do something about her height tho... I mean Leia is short because Carrie Fisher was short... but Fisher was 5' 1'' and Leia's height, for some reason, has always been listed as 1.5 meters ( 4'11'') in canon sources...in the novels they claimed Jaina is shorter than her mother so they have claimed she was 1.49 meters tall (4' 10.7'') specifically in the Young Jedi series (in which she was barely a teen) because I assume they were going off the 1.5m height for Leia and not Fisher's actual height... They really need to go and change it to match Fisher's actual height and give those poor girls there extra 2 inches... lol... not a big deal but it has always kinda bothered me

Edited by Liquidacid
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I don't mind Jacen being killed, but Anakin, I do mind being bumped off. Anyways as far as authors not deciding, I remember hearing a rumor that they toyed with Anakin going darkside and was told no by Lucas, and then they misinterpreted that and killed off Anakin, which was not what Lucas said.


They cant toy with anything, everything beeing written is set in stone after a ok by lucas himself.


Anakin was slated to be the hero of the NJO, and it was decided that Jacen would die midway through its run. However, Lucas stepped in again, worried that Anakin's heroic story would too closely parallel the story of his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker,[17] which was to be told in the forthcoming Star Wars prequel trilogy.[39] Thus, the roles of the Solo brothers were swapped.[17]


In the NJO's initial planning sessions, ideas were brainstormed concerning what kind of crisis the characters would face, and everyone present agreed that it was necessary to shake things up by killing a previously "invincible" character.[26] The death of Luke Skywalker was proposed, but the idea was vetoed by George Lucas himself;[18] Lucas also indicated that C-3PO and R2-D2 were off-limits. It was felt that killing Han Solo, Princess Leia, or Lando Calrissian would not have the dramatic impact that the planning team was looking for, which prompted Stradley to suggest Chewbacca, who, despite being a fan-favorite character, had rarely significantly contributed to a novel's plot; Stradley referred to him as the "quintessential supporting character."[24] It was felt that the death of a previously untouchable character would give the series its needed emotional impact,[35] but putting Chewbacca on the chopping block was not an easy decision on the part of the creative team, causing many tears to be shed.[36] Once the final decision was made, Chewbacca's death was approved by George Lucas.[




Also Karen did not kill off Mara because she wanted too, this was written by the entire team way before they started making Legacy of the force.And all of this have to be approved by lucasfilm and George himself.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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I am starting to get the feeling Jaina is going to become the next big thing in Star Wars and will most probably be written into being the best Champion of the Jedi and lightsaber duellist in the EU.


Pretty sure she will be the next grand master, they cannot kill her off, that would be suicide for the EU etc,killing

off the last child of Han and Leia, will never happen.Ben will be a master early as well with Alana as the jedi queen and galactic savior in about 10-20 years after fate of the jedi series.Will Jaina surpase Luke ? hmm dont think so but like Ben she will be great, something she alredy is, and we know Ben is as strong in the force as Luke.

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and we know Ben is as strong in the force as Luke.


I don't know about that... sure he is part of the Skywalker line but remember Leia has the same blood as Luke and with or without training she isn't 100th his strength in the force... then we also have the fact Lucas himself has said Luke is top dog and I doubt he's gonna change his mind and let an EU character he didn't create be an equal... I'm sure Ben will be a powerful master in time but not at Luke's god damn superman master of the universe level... lol

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I don't know about that... sure he is part of the Skywalker line but remember Leia has the same blood as Luke and with or without training she isn't 100th his strength in the force... then we also have the fact Lucas himself has said Luke is top dog and I doubt he's gonna change his mind and let an EU character he didn't create be an equal... I'm sure Ben will be a powerful master in time but not at Luke's gosh darn superman master of the universe level... lol




No but I think Ben and Jaina will become top dogs when Luke dies(If he does die)..

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I don't know about that... sure he is part of the Skywalker line but remember Leia has the same blood as Luke and with or without training she isn't 100th his strength in the force... then we also have the fact Lucas himself has said Luke is top dog and I doubt he's gonna change his mind and let an EU character he didn't create be an equal... I'm sure Ben will be a powerful master in time but not at Luke's gosh darn superman master of the universe level... lol


In the last book in fate of the jedi one character say this, i think it was Jaina cant remember right now.

And this is approvbed by lucasfilm.Also when Ben is fighting Abeloth he tries to use a force blast to knock back

Abeloth and fails, only shaking her, but it is described as beeing so powerful it could have knocked a friggate out of orbite.And at this point Ben is only 16 years old.At this time he is of course no way what so ever as powerful as luke as none are but maybe in the future he will be,time will tell.

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No but I think Ben and Jaina will become top dogs when Luke dies(If he does die)..


well Lucas said Luke was the most powerful Jedi ever and Palpy the most powerful Sith... Abeloth is neither so a loophole maybe? ... but regardless even tho he couldn't really "kill" her he did defeat her more than once and she hasn't managed to kill him so I'd have to chock that up as a win for Luke


I do agree once Luke is gone Jaina and Ben will most likely become top dogs... but honestly there are no other Jedi even aproaching Luke's power and they are the kids of the top tier major players in the IP so that right there pretty much seals the deal


In the last book in fate of the jedi one character say this, i think it was Jaina cant remember right now.

And this is approvbed by lucasfilm.Also when Ben is fighting Abeloth he tries to use a force blast to knock back

Abeloth and fails, only shaking her, but it is described as beeing so powerful it could have knocked a friggate out of orbite.And at this point Ben is only 16 years old.At this time he is of course no way what so ever as powerful as luke as none are but maybe in the future he will be,time will tell.


I just don't see Lucas ever allowing it... "almost" as powerful as Luke maybe... but if someone suggested Ben being more powerful Lucas would prolly throw a hissy fit, stamp his feet and shoot it down like he did when they suggested killing off Luke in the NJO series... He's touchy when it comes to his characters... for a guy who claims to not read or really work with the EU he sure does like to throw his weight around and tell them what to do

Edited by Liquidacid
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well Lucas said Luke was the most powerful Jedi ever and Palpy the most powerful Sith... Abeloth is neither so a loophole maybe? ... but regardless even tho he couldn't really "kill" her he did defeat her more than once and she hasn't managed to kill him so I'd have to chock that up as a win for Luke


I do agree once Luke is gone Jaina and Ben will most likely become top dogs... but honestly there are no other Jedi even aproaching Luke's power and they are the kids of the top tier major players in the IP so that right there pretty much seals the deal


Very true, but dont forget about Alana the Jedi queen, she will be a champion of light and power.

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I just don't see Lucas ever allowing it... "almost" as powerful as Luke maybe... but if someone suggested Ben being more powerful Lucas would prolly throw a hissy fit, stamp his feet and shoot it down like he did when they suggested killing off Luke in the NJO series... He's touchy when it comes to his characters... for a guy who claims to not read or really work with the EU he sure does like to throw his weight around and tell them what to do


And for that i'm forever thankful, if not for him they would have killed of most of the characters by now for 1 good story per novel.

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Pretty sure she will be the next grand master, they cannot kill her off, that would be suicide for the EU etc,killing

off the last child of Han and Leia, will never happen.Ben will be a master early as well with Alana as the jedi queen and galactic savior in about 10-20 years after fate of the jedi series.Will Jaina surpase Luke ? hmm dont think so but like Ben she will be great, something she alredy is, and we know Ben is as strong in the force as Luke.


i wouldn't bet against ben becoming grandmaster, in FOTJ luke said on more than one occasion that he was "grandmaster in waiting," or that "he had some growing up to do if he was going to take lukes place as grandmaster"

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I made a tweet yesterday


@DelReyStarWars They better not kill off Jaina the last child of Han and Leia, the fans will never forgive them.Killing Mara was bad enough.


And a reply


tarWarsBooks ‏@DelReyStarWars


@Wild_Jedi D'oh! Need to rewrite the first chapter now. #Justjoking


So i think Jaina is safe friom dying atleast...

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I'm waiting to see who starts the Imperial Knights for the Fel Dynasty... I mean Jag has already proposed Jaina does it in FotJ with his whole talk about setting up a Jedi sect in the emire and mentioning rival schools... but then again she seems too dedicated to Luke's order and Tahiri is now in Jag's service and doesn't really seem keen on rejoining the Jedi order so she would make sense too Edited by Liquidacid
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he already did with the Legacy series


Are you thinking about http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tahiri_Veila ?

because she was only a agent for a period of time until she was back into the Jedi order.

After Jagged Fel removed himself as Head of State, thereby allowing Admiral Vitor Reige to secure the election against Daala, he and Tahiri Veila rendezvoused with Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order on Coruscant during their final confrontation with Abeloth. By that time, Fel released Veila from her obligations as the Remnant's prisoner and "Imperial Hand," imploring her to fully rejoin the ranks of the Jedi Order. Prior Abeloth's defeat, Veila fought alongside Saba Sebatyne, who welcomed her former comrade as a member of the Order once again. In the aftermath of the Jedi victory on Coruscant, Veila attended the wedding of Jagged Fel and Jaina Solo.[36]

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Are you thinking about http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tahiri_Veila ?

because she was only a agent for a period of time until she was back into the Jedi order.


I'm talking about the Imperial Knights in the Legacy comics... they were the Fel Empire's version of the Jedi... they were not sith or DS either... they pretty much filled the roll of the Jedi in the Fel Dynasty... we know at some point Fel has to found the Fel Dynasty and that he most likely is the one in power when the Imperial Knights are founded... now he has already said to Jaina, when she told him that there probably wouldn't be a Jedi base set up in imperial space unless the remnant joined the GA, that there was such a thing as rival schools which was hinting at it... it seems to me that Jaina herself, even as his wife, is just to loyal to Luke's order to leave and start a rival school... but Tahiri on the other hand has worked with Fel for a while and has no such qualms about not being in the order so I'm thinking they may have her start it up

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