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WZ options for queue


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Are we ever going to be able to queue for specfic WZs? People love some WZs and hate others...why do we have queue for all of them STILL? Maybe there'd be fewer people quitting WZs the second they popped if they only had to queue for the ones they liked.


Still waiting (but not holding my breath) for Ilum RvR, but I'd do a WZ occasionally if I could actually pick which one I get to do.


Also, we need to be able to select only against enemy faction or mixed faction. I hate PvPing against my own faction. This is another turn off for me to play Wzs currently.

Edited by HarleysRule
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do you really want 4 man pre-mades dominating certain warzones? if you solo queue a lot, good luck winning a warzone if they add this feature


edit - they have talked about it though, but only when they add cross server queues. . .at least when they talked about it, they mentioned it with cross server queues only

Edited by FourTwent
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do you really want 4 man pre-mades dominating certain warzones? if you solo queue a lot, good luck winning a warzone if they add this feature


Amazes me how many bad ideas surface.


This one is probably the worst I've seen regarding WZ's.

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