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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

someone please explain me


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Ok, I am fresh 50. I have reached that by doing class story. Strictly.

I am all "orange" geared.


Now i got few options to make hard mode flashpoints, Warzones, operations and other stuff like Black Hole mission, some "dailies", etc. Plenty of stuff actually.


Then everyone here talks about under-geared players, War Hero chests, Battlemaster robes, augmentations, daily commendations, etc.

So i understand that's no end, you need to continue your story in a PVP mode, yes?


Because for me usually a player who ends up his story should be top geared/skilled character. End of the game. Punto.


Apparently this is not the case here. I understand there's more to it but then I hardly see any tutorial as HOW to go on further.. shall I focus on doing Hard Mode flashpoints first?

But is it only for a better skill/level, hit points, armor ? or you cannot continue the story without that items?


I am lost because perhaps i did not read something, (hello, how come?) but on the other hand all that discussions here about Rakata, War Heroes and gearing is a bit worrying...


On the other hand if you ONLY need to run thought the same content (being more difficult) just to have better armor, it makes little sense for me. If any.


So, anyone knows what is the follow up here?

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For PvE: Do the Belsavis, Illum (if these still exist), and Black Hole dailies to upgrade your Orange Armor, then use Group Finder to do Flashpoints and then Hard Mode Flashpoints. Finally, you can start doing Operations once your gear is good enough.


For PvE: Get your free set of Recruit gear from the mailbox token, then queue up for Warzones. Get murdered for about a week or two while you update your gear to Battlemaster, then you have two options:

1. Find a group of 7 other people, form an 8 man group and queue for ranked warzones, use the commendations to buy your War Hero gear.

2. Continue to use the random queue and spend the next 6 months trying to farm your War Hero gear.

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You see, this is not a game like KoTOR or other single player games. Once you beat the "Story" you pretty much are done with the game. SWTOR is an MMO, when you hit 50 it opens up opportunities to participate in competitive PvP, do flashpoints and operations and whatnot. You won't find too much more story at level 50 (endgame) aside from flashpoints and operations until they release more story content.


Now to say where you should go from here? It all depends on what you like. You don't have to do flashpoints at all! You can just PvP...or You can only do flashpoints! I like a mix of everything to stay busy.


So basically if you like the PvE part of the game, start with Normal and Hardmode flashpoints to work on getting Columi gear. Once you have some Columi, find a guild or random group to start Hardmode Operations which drop Rakata.


If you enjoy PvP, head to the combat training section of your fleet and pick up a set of Recruit Gear. You will be undergeared at first, but in no time of doing warzones you'll start to accumulate Battlemaster. At 40 valor you can trade your regular Warzone Commendations for Ranked Commendations to save up to buy War Hero gear.


"On the other hand if you ONLY need to run thought the same content (being more difficult) just to have better armor, it makes little sense for me. If any."


^Agreed, but that's how MMO's work :]...Plus there is a sense of accomplishment when you beat a boss after dying 100 times and get a shiny new piece of armor!


Hope that answered some questions, keep asking!

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For PvE: Do the Belsavis, Illum (if these still exist), and Black Hole dailies to upgrade your Orange Armor, then use Group Finder to do Flashpoints and then Hard Mode Flashpoints. Finally, you can start doing Operations once your gear is good enough.


For PvE: Get your free set of Recruit gear from the mailbox token, then queue up for Warzones. Get murdered for about a week or two while you update your gear to Battlemaster, then you have two options:

1. Find a group of 7 other people, form an 8 man group and queue for ranked warzones, use the commendations to buy your War Hero gear.

2. Continue to use the random queue and spend the next 6 months trying to farm your War Hero gear.


The second list here, he meant to say PvP d:

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Basically (not 100% correct but gives you an idea) and my advice is:

Start doing PvP, it is the fastest way to get good gear that you can use everywhere. There are usually 3 types of PvP gear, look for the one that gives you "bonus" that has the same abilities you have (example, do not get gear that gives you shield bonus if you do not have shield).

PvP gear has an additional Stat called "Expertise". This reduces damage taken and increases damage you do in Warzones (Player Versus Player). If you go in to PvP without any "expertise" you will be getting hit 20% harder and doing 20% less damage. In other words you will die quicker and your team will suffer.

Campaign gear (for PvE) does NOT work well with Warzones (PvP) because it has no expertise stat.

PvP gear DOES work with Campaign (story mode or flash points etc) as you get the same armour and stat increases but with the added bit (expertise) that will not make any difference in PvE.

I regularly do Flash Points in my PvP gear on Hard Mode (HM) and find I am ok.

If you start PvP (mission terminal in combat training area of station) you will get a token. Take this to the vendors opposite (subject to your class) and collect your PvP recruit gear. You should find this gives you better stats than your story mode gear.

As you play PvP you will get commendations which can be used to buy BM (battlemaster) gear. This puts you roughly on a par with a well geared campaign character.

You could, if you wish, mix and match your gear. For instance I had Campaign Relics and Ear Piece for when I could not afford the PvP ones. This gave me better endurance in the short term whilst I was levelling up.

If you do go in to PvP, it would be nice if you let your team know you are "squishy", i.e. weak so that they can adjust tactics to work with you (I would put you on turret defence with a stronger character).

Hope that helps.

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Thanks all!

Now I get the picture, ok so it's no end, it; just "another way".

Indeed, I never played any MMO, all was RPG or strategies, thus I was pretty much lost.

But now.. hey..seems I'm gonna die and rise up again few times :)


Thank you again!

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There is almost another full story line running through the flash points if you look for it.

And PvP can be fun as well as frustrating.

Our server also has mass "get togethers" where we meet on Nar Shaddaa or Ilum to have competitions.

(We had a race round the dune sea on Tatooine, 100 odd players from both sides).

So there is still more to do if you look for it.

If your server is a bit dead, look around for more active ones. (I am on Nightmare Lands and it is quite good but getting quieter of late).

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This is a mmo. The end of your story is the the beginning of the next. Another words once the story end of each character they then move one to the next phase of the game being grouping. If you notice when you log the character in it notes on all classes meeting at the station to continue the battle each time. From here you go to wither pvp or HM FP and Operations. The best items are yet to come.
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