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Low level players on high level worlds


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I am a level 25 commando on alderran trying to do my story line. But that problem is, i'm being killed by weak mobs. This is very frustrating for me since i love playing on my trooper. I'm pretty sure lots of other players have this problem, so any ideas of how i can level my character up to the level world would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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I would level up just a bit more, in my opinion.


For me, I did all of the quests on certain planets, which prepared me for the next level. Do some sapce, WZ etc. But I would definitely get some EXP under your belt. I had the same issue on my first toon. I learned that If I complete all of the quests including the bonus series on, let's say Taris, then perhaps Nar shadaa, you should be good for hoth and such. I had no issue with any mobs, for the most part after that.



Other folks may do things a bit different, but My two credits tells ya that you should level a bit more on the lower planets, experience it, have some fun.

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If you're soloing up to 50, and aren't interested in doing PvP or space battles, you will need to complete all non-heroic sidequests including the bonus series quests to remain on level Edited by Hessen
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Bonus series quests aren't really optional if you want to stay on level. They're a necessity.


Agreed, you cannot rush your way through a planet, and expect to stay on par with the people who take their time doing the Bonus quest series. I would suggest you return to the planets most appropriate for your level, and complete anything you may have missed or ignored.

Edited by Bastus
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Not exactly true if you engage in other activities, like WZ and Space missions.


But Like I said, to each their own. :) how ever you can do it is a good way. I was just sharing what I did. (Which did include the bonus series missions) :):)



Edited by Foofie
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Um, this problem is easily avoided. Just stay on the planet that fits your level range, complete all the quests you can (the big world quest, your whole class quest, any sidequests and maybe a few heroics) and then move on to the next. This will do the job. The class quests fit the range of the planets so your personal story and your level will keep the same pace. Just take your time and don't rush into planets that are way above your plate (like being, say, level 25 heading to Voss or Corellia).
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Agreed, you cannot rush your way through a planet, and expect to stay on par with the people who take their time doing the Bonus quest series. I would suggest you return to the planets most appropriate for your level, and complete anything you may have missed or ignored.

This. On my newest character I have made sure I have done every single non-heroic quest on planets (including the bonus series). She is now level 46 and she just stepped foot on Voss (level 44-47 planet) for the first time. This is also from almost always playing with rested XP and with two legacy XP perks maxed (story and exploration). In order to stay on par with future planets, you can't just do your class story quests unless you're also making up the XP with space missions, PvP, or flash points.

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You don't need to do the bonus series quests. If you do all the other quests on any planet it is enough.


Although you could try going to tatooine first.


If you're not doing any space missions or PvP, you will be underleveled and find it difficult by the time you get to Alderaan if you do not do any of the bonus series'.


How many heroic missions you do can affect it too, as can how much rested XP you have in between gaming sessions.

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I am a level 25 commando on alderran trying to do my story line. But that problem is, i'm being killed by weak mobs. This is very frustrating for me since i love playing on my trooper. I'm pretty sure lots of other players have this problem, so any ideas of how i can level my character up to the level world would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


From your level it is seems as if you skipped the entire planet of Tatooine and half of Nar Shadaa. Go back and finish Nar Shadaa, tatoonine and the tatooine bonus series and you will hit Alderaan at level 31.

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I always try to be at least 3-4 levels above the missons. I say go back finish what u missed, then do daily space, lots of XP there, and PvP. I spent one or two days just doing pvp for the XP. Just try not to get your level to much ablove the misson level or they will turn gray making them only worth 5 Xp, and a waste of time.
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I am a level 25 commando on alderran trying to do my story line. But that problem is, i'm being killed by weak mobs. This is very frustrating for me since i love playing on my trooper. I'm pretty sure lots of other players have this problem, so any ideas of how i can level my character up to the level world would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


It Honestly sounds like you skipped a bit of the previous planets. What I mean by that is you skipped by a bunch of the side quests available (perhaps you focused solely on the class questline?) The game is actually designed around doing more then just that. the class quest system is a great deal of fun, but it's not designed to allow someone to get from 1 to 50 only on that series alone. the side quests really aren't optional...more like 75% mandatory.


Or, because it's easy to do (I did it the first toon I had), you went to Alderaan instead of Tatooine. you get both at the same time, and the story discusses Alderaan, so It's easy to get confused. But Tatooine is really 25-28 or so, and Alderaan is 28-30 or 31 (rough numbers). at 25 you should just be starting Tatooine.


If you have already done Tatooine, then you simply have skipped too much of the quests and/or Heroics available. I've leveled over a dozen toons past Alderaan, and I can tell you for a fact that if you do at least 60-75% of the qeusts available, and at least one or two heroics, you will be past the leveling curve by at least a half a level. I have skipped entire planets on some toons that I've had decent rest experience and have ran a few flashpoints. So the capacity is there.


If you are really stuck (i.e. done coruscant, taris, nar shadda, and Tatooine), and are on Alderaan at 25, here's what I'd recommend:


* go back and do every qeust you can find on nar Shadaa. also do the bonus quest series on Tatooine. if you did your class quest line on Tat, the bonus series should be available. also pick up anything quest-like you can on Tatooine.


*run daily space missions. You may have to catch your ships equipment up to date, but relatively easy to do (most ship equipment needed for the basic quests is available at a vendor at every space port)


*queue up for aithiss and mandalorian raider flashpoints while you run around on Tat randomly killing mobs. This is a good time to get your crafting skills caught up. doing aithiss and Mand raiders a few times will catch you up fast.


*PvP is an option, but you may not want to do it. But you can queue up for the daily quests as well there.


not sure of your status as you didn't give us much more info beyond being stuck. the more info you can provide, the better. But I can hazard a guess that your situation is probably one of the two I mentioned above.

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I find running 3-4 levels below quest level works fine for me, but 5 under or more and you literally CAN'T do it. Most of your attacks won't even hit.


If you're doing all that's available to you, you should never find yourself under-leveled for the next planet. I just doing class, main planet quest lines, and space dailies will keep you within 3. People who do EVERYTHING find themselves in danger of turning class quests grey before finishing them.

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I don't do PvP or space missions, and rarely a FP other than a couple Esseles/BT runs before going to the capitol worlds, and I'm always at the back end of the suggested level range of a planet when I get there. You must be skipping too many quests, or entire planets or something.
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What I ended up doing is:

4-5 Warzones a day. With the daily you get significant XP/level

Space dailies again if you complete all the bonuses in them it is a nice XP boost

Always log out in a ship, the fleet or cantina, to maximize rested XP

Do bonus series on each planet they normally grant an extra level per planet at least through Act 1


Doing all this I normally would be 3-4 levels above planet. I have gotten all 8 of my characters to 50 and normally hit Nar Shadaa around 24, Tattooine close to 30 and Alderaan 32-33.


If this is not your first character consider buying the character perks they give a significant boost especially Warzone, Class quest and, flashpoints.


One trick I found is if you have other alts you are playing for whatever reason take the one you want to level and just log him out in a rest area for a few days. When you come back he/she will have a full rested XP bar and leveling is much quicker.

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Bonus series quests aren't really optional if you want to stay on level. They're a necessity.

They have never been necessary to me... I was always fine without them. The only time I needed them was when playing a stealth class, and that's because I missed out on a lot of killing XP by stealthing through so many things.

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I have two lvl 50's , one lvl 45 and a lvl 34.


I have never done the bonus series quests on any of them, but my pattern is I do every quest on the first 2 planets for example there were no quests left to do on Hutta and Dromund Kass when I left for Balmorra on my bounty hunter.


When I arrived on Balmorra I was 18 maybe even close to 19 Balmorra is 16-20 so I was 2 lvls ahead of the game.

I also dabbled in pvp specifically at lvl 19 and 39 to earn coms for the lvl 20 and 40 pvp set which is also good for pve since those sets don't yet have the expertise stat.


Also don't forget to adequately equip your companion you can take down enemy npc much more efficiently even ones one or two levels above you.


..and as many people have said the space mini game is great for fast xp.

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OK, I'll change it to: "If you're soloing up to 50, and aren't interested in doing PvP or space battles, you will need to complete all non-heroic sidequests including the bonus series quests to remain on level"

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OK, I'll change it to: "If you're soloing up to 50, and aren't interested in doing PvP or space battles, you will need to complete all non-heroic sidequests including the bonus series quests to remain on level"


QFT. So very true.

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I'm working on my first character, and I'm on Alderaan also. I don't PvP, but I did all the missions on each planet and do space battles. Doing that brought me up to level 33, and I think I'm only half way done with the planet. For me the main thing was doing all the quests, and the space battles were an extra boost for me gaining levels. Edited by CompetitorX
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Honestly unless you really want to do the bonus series for whatever planet you are on you can easily become over leveled for the planet; few things though.


Gear: It makes a difference. Getting orange gear, choosing the planet commendation reward then upgrading said pieces will help a lot.


Missions: Do all of them.


Bonus Missions (not to be confused with Bonus Series): when you're doing missions bonus missions pop up frequently, do them for extra XP.


Heroics: Don't waste your time sitting there trying to find a group, keep them in your mission log and hold onto them while you're on the planet. There's always at least one other person out there looking to do some of them.

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If you're soloing up to 50, and aren't interested in doing PvP or space battles, you will need to complete all non-heroic sidequests including the bonus series quests to remain on level


This. Also, running level appropriate flash points and heroics can provide good xp and gear for your level. They're a little slow to complete some times, but they also can be a break from the normal grind, especially in a good group.

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While getting my BH to 50, I did all my class quests and all the non-heroic side quests quests, I didn't do the heroic quests mainly becasue I am prety much a solo player. I would usualy arrive at the next planet a level or 2 low, but for the most part i didn't have any problems. Although this is probably because my BH was a Tank. I finished act 3 at 47, finished the mako companion questline at 45. so it can be done.


Remember to activly seek out thing on the planets your questing on like datacrons and lore objects they will give you xp as well, another trick to lvling I used in WoW, Diablo and in TOR is that when they send you out on a "kill this many mission". Try to kill 10 more than what they ask you to kill, the little buffer of those 10 extra mobs will add up not to mention the little boost in extra credits helps too.


Case in point for the killing extra mobs. Just about everyone who plays WoW has made a DeathKnight. If you just kill exactly the number of whats asked in the questlines in the starting zone added you will end up about lvl 58 with about 40-50 gold when you start the battle for lights hope chapel. Now if you kill 10 extra mobs per quest and pick up and vendor every grey item. When at lights hope chapel you will end up about lvl 59 and change with about 100-150 gold.

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