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Will There Be a Option To Change Your Class?


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Star Wars Galaxies Did

The reason they did is because it was a free-form game without classes before the NGE. Once the NGE hit, they wanted people to be able to change classes if they didn't like their class because at that point you had to pick a class if you'd already been playing for awhile.

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We won't see those either.. Bioware purposely designed the game so that no single class could both heal and tank.. Allowing AC swapping would ignore that design.. Again, the game says specifically that the choice we make with our AC is a permanent one.. I fail to understand why so many people have issues with the definition of permanent.. It will not and can not be changed.. That is what permanent means..


There will be no AC swapping.. They view AC as your class..


As a final point.. We wouldn't be having this discussion if your AC was chosen at lvl 1 during character creation.. I fail to understand why a 10 lvl preview of the classes makes the same choice any less permanent..

Most games are pretty basic to 10th level. That is when you get talents in a lot of games, etc... It is a good preview. You can learn over those ten levels what you like more. Do you like hitting things with your lightsaber or do you prefer throwing rocks? Then you pick sage or shadow.

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Could you imagine how many horrible new "tanks" we'd have. A Sentinel bored of waiting in the queue as DPS switches to Vanguard, not having had the benefit of playing all the way to 50 and learning to play that class along the way. Hilarity ensues.


You DO realize that's part of the reason for leveling up, right? It's supposed to help us, if you'll pardon the forum cliche, learn to play! :p

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I have no clue what you guys are talking about and/or whining about.


That functionnality already exist in the game and its called ''CREATE''.


You can find it in at the caracter choice screen at the bottom right of ur screen.


The game will then ask you a couple customization option of course but its just to make ur caracter look like YOU want while been the class YOU want.


Then, before you ask why are you level 1 and not level 50 and if its a bug .... no its not, its just that your caracter has a lot of experience as a jedi consular but not as a trooper.


He will need to learn the military way of things, and do his military training. When you will be done with ur new military training, you will be a strong trooper. it will take you around 100 hours to complete your training, I know it seem long but you know its just to emulate the 2 year military training some country have in the realy world (its for the immersion !).


Then dont worry if you dont find ur consular skills anymore, not been in the jedi order and not having the right to use ur jedi skills now as a trooper is necessary or you might flip to the dark side and then change FACTION !


The changing faction option is not yet available tho, thats why its not possible.


Might be in a futur patch !

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There's a youtube video of the lead devs saying AC respec would be do-able (ie sage -> shadow) at some point. It's a pre-release video so maybe they changed their minds or maybe it's one of those things that they never got around to and probably won't.
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swg had two ways since it had two distinctive class setups with different parts of games history.


with pre nge you could decide what trees to go up, look up pre-nge skill calculator if you are curious how it worked (you didnt really start as a class)


post nge, you had 9 classes which you could then respec to another by paying a fee or by using a respec token

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Star Wars Galaxies Did


At the start SWG allowed you to change classes on a whim. Then the "Jedi Secret" got out and then you could never count on any character being the same class from one day to the next. Pretty much totally destroyed the game and it never recovered from it.

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Could you imagine how many horrible new "tanks" we'd have. A Sentinel bored of waiting in the queue as DPS switches to Vanguard, not having had the benefit of playing all the way to 50 and learning to play that class along the way. Hilarity ensues.

It is bad enough when DPS folks respec tank at max level in games, usually. They at LEAST have the same abilities for the most part... Changing AC would be far worse.

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It is bad enough when DPS folks respec tank at max level in games, usually. They at LEAST have the same abilities for the most part... Changing AC would be far worse.


Not taking a position on the Op, mostly because I don't care.....but how exactly is that a bad thing? >_>;;;;

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Ignore the haters OP. It's a great idea. You're not getting a free 50 because you already did the leveling to get them to 50. That whole, "You learn your class while you are leveling nonsense." It takes all of 20 minutes to learn how to play. The game isn't as hard as the majority of you make it out to be. Plus it won't end the endless "Why do the tanks in this game suck? Why do I always get into WZs with bads?" threads. As far as the story? Really? Who cares? If a person really wanted to see the story of the new class, they would have re-rolled to it to begin with. I hope this does get implemented at one point in the game. And to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if it did later on as a cash shop option.
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