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Yeah, this game sure is losing people...


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When the numbers drop drastically like this, especially considering how much this game cost to make, you start getting into bad territory, if they feel they cannot make up for the budget and maintenance costs, it will get shut down, that's why people are becoming concerned.


They won't shut it down, they'll mothball it like Warhammer Online. It's possible they may even run it at a lose if they are tied into a contract or just want to hold onto the IP.

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Yes, of course. But people have been speculating about SWTOR's sub numbers pretty much from day one. Now, in this case, it seems that the doomsaying contingent of the subscriber-number brigade was right -- but although hindsight may prove their speculation correct, it still cannot explain their desire to engage in the exercise in the first place.


Frankly I've never seen anything like it anywhere else (besides MMO forums). My only point, in any case, was that sub numbers shouldn't interfere with your enjoyment of the game unless the population of your particular server has dropped to discouraging levels.



Most people just couldn't rationalise the state of their servers vs the subs figures.


Plus a lot of people were telling Bioware WHY people were leaving, and then there were SO many people claiming NO ONE was actually leaving (ironically 75+% of the deniers have now left), when it was patently obvious on most servers so many were and the things that needed to be fixed to stop them. :(

Edited by Goretzu
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Whatever happened to just...oh I dunno...playing a game. Even in my EQ years we didn't fret over sub numbers, statistics, or shareholder percentages like this.


We just played the game, we had fun.


I'm going to enjoy TOR for as long as it's here, and hope that it's a for a long long time.


I derive no joy from the closure of an MMO. (CoX...you will be missed)



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Whatever happened to just...oh I dunno...playing a game. Even in my EQ years we didn't fret over sub numbers, statistics, or shareholder percentages like this.


We just played the game, we had fun.


I'm going to enjoy TOR for as long as it's here, and hope that it's a for a long long time.


I derive no joy from the closure of an MMO. (CoX...you will be missed)


Thats because you were paying to play a good MMO (from what i've heard about EQ) vs paying to play this massively over priced money pit trash, that they continue to just sit back and collect on with out talking to its player base, releasing content, or making a game that is remotely engaging past grinding a character to 50.

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Thats because you were paying to play a good MMO (from what i've heard about EQ) vs paying to play this massively over priced money pit trash, that they continue to just sit back and collect on with out talking to its player base, releasing content, or making a game that is remotely engaging past grinding a character to 50.


...did you miss the part where I said I liked TOR?

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You must have missed me informing you why over a million subs are gone from this game since its launch in less than a year. Sorry I didn't clarify.




What's the point? Do you want me to quit too? The last time I checked I was in control of what game I subbed to , and the reasons why.


It's ok to not like a game, that's fine, there are plenty of games I don't like.


However, you can't force a person to hate a game.

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What's the point? Do you want me to quit too? The last time I checked I was in control of what game I subbed to , and the reasons why.


It's ok to not like a game, that's fine, there are plenty of games I don't like.


However, you can't force a person to hate a game.


I'm not forcing you to quit or hate the game. You asked questions in your 1st post, i was answering them.

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It doesnt matter if its much or not, it is money theyre taking out from you period.

I knew you wanted to reach this stage on the conversation where you and some delusional SWTOR "players" still believe that SWTOR F2P is a p2w and not a freemium model.


This type of forum posters just shows the lack of knowledgement or information they have on SWTOR.

They are here just for the sake of bad mouthing and ruin some other people pleasure on this game, well, at least try.

Just ignore them guys, cause they have absolutelly no ideia of what BW has made, his making and will be making out of this game.

Im sick of this, from now on will start reporting everyone thats just trolling around in this forums and ignore them.

Really tired of this ..... type of players.


@BW - Please by the love of god, start banning them from the forums. I wish that F2P would be here cause they would not be paying a sub so they wouldnt be allowed to forum post but since it isnt, please BW, do something about this.


I find it funny how you label anyone that disagrees with you a troll. You can't say that the game won't go pay 2 win just as I can't say that it will because no one knows what the future holds, we can only make educated guesses based off of Bioware and EA's past performance.

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I've been here since beta, been a follower on these forums since 2009, and have watched more podcasts, mmo gaming news, interviews, E3, ComicCon, Penny Arcade interviews then I can ever possibly recall regarding this game. I know what dev post state, and I am WELL informed about this game and everything relating to it. P2W is any game selling gear and frankly, middle level blues still can swing the balance in 10-49 PvP bracket so yea, its P2W.


And lulzy at your o so mature /ignore. Jesus. Lmao.


This is true, we have no idea what gear will end up being sold.

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Bioware has a history of ridiculously imbalanced single player games. These development teams are separate from the SWTOR ones. Your point here is.....


Correct me if I am wrong but didn't they bring in the DragonAge 3 team to help with SWTOR?

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Correct me if I am wrong but didn't they bring in the DragonAge 3 team to help with SWTOR?


I had not heard this. I did hear that the Dragon 2 team(post release when they were working on dlc) was pulled off to work on a separate project, which I assumed to be DA3 or something along those lines. I have not heard anything about a Dragon Age 3 team though.

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I had not heard this. I did hear that the Dragon 2 team(post release when they were working on dlc) was pulled off to work on a separate project, which I assumed to be DA3 or something along those lines. I have not heard anything about a Dragon Age 3 team though.


I don't know if it is true or not this was rumored to be in going on around May. http://gamerant.com/dragon-age-3-delayed-the-old-republic-cj-147982/

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I don't know if it is true or not this was rumored to be in going on around May. http://gamerant.com/dragon-age-3-delayed-the-old-republic-cj-147982/


Ah, its a third party piece of analysis. My rebuttal to that analysis is that profit wise it makes no sense to drop a team from a tried and proven product line, in this case the Dragon Age series, and send them to work on a different product that has an entirely different setting, and different methods of content generation. In other words it would make more sense to lay off the Dragon Age 2 team and keep more members of the SWTOR team then it would make to lay off members of the SWTOR team and shift resources from DA2 to SWTOR. Course this is just my view on the subject and I could be completely wrong.

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Ah, its a third party piece of analysis. My rebuttal to that analysis is that profit wise it makes no sense to drop a team from a tried and proven product line, in this case the Dragon Age series, and send them to work on a different product that has an entirely different setting, and different methods of content generation. In other words it would make more sense to lay off the Dragon Age 2 team and keep more members of the SWTOR team then it would make to lay off members of the SWTOR team and shift resources from DA2 to SWTOR. Course this is just my view on the subject and I could be completely wrong.


The big delay for the games release makes me wonder though, alot of people complained about how little sense the hypothetical move made and I agree it doesn't make much sense but then again they could have been brought in to help with the story and/or art instead of programming. Who knows, Bioware and EA has been acting weird with this game

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I find it funny how you label anyone that disagrees with you a troll. You can't say that the game won't go pay 2 win just as I can't say that it will because no one knows what the future holds, we can only make educated guesses based off of Bioware and EA's past performance.


I can sure affirm that cause it was allready stated on the interview with jeff hickman that it wasnt. I dnt guess, when i reply to all these haters out there its because im basing myself on interviews from BW devs not because im assuming that, i leave that part for the flamers and haters around here.

Edited by Kophar
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This is true, we have no idea what gear will end up being sold.


Again we do, you really should start reading more and getting more info from all the fan sites out there that do HAVE interviews with alot of BW devs and read articules that really matter instead of just be posting rubish and uncertatity on the community minds.

Again, jeff hickman stated that its going to be low-mid level gear only it will not affect nothing reguarding end gaming.

And since im tired of your mindless and uninformed replys, will just put on my ignore list.

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The big delay for the games release makes me wonder though, alot of people complained about how little sense the hypothetical move made and I agree it doesn't make much sense but then again they could have been brought in to help with the story and/or art instead of programming. Who knows, Bioware and EA has been acting weird with this game


Yeah, companies don't always make logical moves. They tend to, but not always.


Honestly I think they're redoing their game design software for the DA series again. They've could've made DA2 with DA:O tools, but decided to make DA2 with tools from scratch. Given the limitations they had on creating zones easily in DA2(their toolset for DA:O made making zones pretty darn easy, so I can only assume that the amount of zones they used was due to it taking an excessive amount of time with their new software) it wouldn't surprise me if they spent a year or two designing an excellent design tool from which they intend to continue the series from thereafter.

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Again we do, you really should start reading more and getting more info from all the fan sites out there that do HAVE interviews with alot of BW devs and read articules that really matter instead of just be posting rubish and uncertatity on the community minds.

Again, jeff hickman stated that its going to be low-mid level gear only it will not affect nothing reguarding end gaming.

And since im tired of your mindless and uninformed replys, will just put on my ignore list.


You know I haven't even seen you here before this week and you come on here and instantly start judging everyone without giving them a chance to reply because they disagree with you? LOL, you haven't even posted sources and you really don't know what all that they are going to charge us for, they can go 180 at anytime like they are considering doing in the case of Makeb.

Edited by Tuscad
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I can sure affirm that cause it was allready stated on the interview with jeff hickman that it wasnt. I dnt guess, when i reply to all these haters out there its because im basing myself on interviews from BW devs not because im assuming that, i leave that part for the flamers and haters around here.


I could point to interviews where you could affirm this game wouldnt go F2P. I could point to interviews where you could affirm this game would recieve content updates on a monthly basis. I could point to alot of interviews where you could affirm alot of things .... then they changed their minds.

Edited by Soluss
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Whatever happened to just...oh I dunno...playing a game. Even in my EQ years we didn't fret over sub numbers, statistics, or shareholder percentages like this.


We just played the game, we had fun.


I'm going to enjoy TOR for as long as it's here, and hope that it's a for a long long time.


I derive no joy from the closure of an MMO. (CoX...you will be missed)




Amen to that. Pretty sure that's the most enlightened thought I've read on these forums.

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You know I haven't even seen you hear before this week and you come on here and instantly start judging everyone without giving them a chance to reply because they disagree with you? LOL, you haven't even posted sources and you really don't know what all that they are going to charge us for, they can go 180 at anytime like they are considering doing in the case of Makeb.


This guys a right piece of art work huh? Going on 48 hours now he has been blowing up the forums. Of course he is entitled to his opinions of what the devs 'mean' in the interviews they give. However the people who have been around a while, (like yourself!) know that just because they say that they 'intend' to keep something one way doesn't mean they will. Everything is subject to change, but this guy acts like its set in stone.


If your reading this and you haven't already put me on ignore Kophar, until its released into the game its bound to change, stop acting like you know everything and us long time forum users know nothing. :rolleyes:

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