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The SWTOR story is..........


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I think what I am trying to draw out of the community is how good you feel the SWTOR story really is?


This is my view and I would be very interested in yours.


The Story behind SWTOR has been touted as its biggest asset. I tend to disagree, for me it is one of the biggest reasons the game has failed to impress so far (this is not a flame, I love this game and am sticking with it).


If this was a single player game the variety of stories for different classes would be impressive. However, I thought this was an MMO. Somewhere I could play with lots of my friends in a large guild whilst working with fellow players of the republic in supporting our leaders in a common cause.


What I actually feel is a bit of a bit-part player in a fragmented story, lots of side stories all kinda mingled into a huge galaxy. I have even read three of the associated books, again different bit-part stories in a big galaxy.


I have finished end game and again every instance a side story. I have no idea what the ultimate goal is. Dread lords are out, gree are coming etc.


The films at least had a story, defeat Vader and the empire, liberate the galaxy, big party yay!


An MMO needs a purpose, the side story lore is great don't get me wrong. But in my opinion the leaders need to be brought to the fore for all characters (I.e. my trooper hardly knows Shan and my consular hardly knows garza) and we need to know what we are fighting/working for. My guess is that it will all become apparent about 6 weeks before an expansion and then we will be moving on. That's not good.


Star wars is full of side stories/lore with tons of books we can read ourselves. It needs to be in the game but not the central part of it, this game needs its OWN story and it has none in my opinion.


Which is quite a damning statement if you think about it, give us a story please!

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That's why we have newer content further into the future, thus we can potentially have an expanded story for each class, so instead of Acts I, II and III, we might get Acts IV, V, and VI. Ryan Denning, one of the artists, said, "In essence, SWTOR is basically KOTOR III, IV, V, VI, VII and VII."


And plus, ever since KOTOR and KOTOR II, Star Wars fans have been looking at an era SO unlike that of the movies. So that gives LucasArts and Bioware somthing to create and work with. And thus, we get rich storylines in this game that allow us to see the creativity behind the leaders of SWTOR. But it's all to make it feel like you're in the movies again because you're dealing with 8 classes.

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But for me it does not work within an MMO.


I want a goal to work towards to continue playing this game, I am not someone who wants to level alts to 50. I prefer reading books for side stories.


A good example of what I want is the WOW model, Lich King was in his citadel right from the word go. We knew we had to work to kill him, ice crown wasn't available at the start but it was there, a big fat common purpose.


I don't know what this is for SWTOR?


Don't get me wrong for someone like yourself you probably have time to complete all stories, for me I like to work hard and complete end game content. This is where I think the story falls flat on its face.

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Well now you're taking raid content into account, currently for SWTOR I would guess the goal is to vanquish the Dread Masters. Already defeated their army on Denova, and when Terror Beyond is released we will have to stop them getting their hands on a Gree Hypergate.


Before Explosive Conflict was released I guess the goal was to defeat Darth Malgus and his new Empire, and then Soa the Infernal became the all destroying bonus boss with Karraga the Unyielding as a prelude to the Dread Master storyline

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This my friend is exactly my point, you guess. I know this "probably" is the goal.


So focus ALOT of the game content on this goal! Get EVERYONE working towards this.


They are, first we have the Hutts who have started expanding their territory to make up for what they have lost to the dread masters (Karraga's Palace), then we have the Dread Masters taking control of Denova (Explosive Conflict), and now the Dread Masters are trying to take control of a Gree hypergate (Terror Beyond and the new warzone)


Every last bit of content except for Kaon under Siege and Lost Island has been leading up to whatever comes later this year, I doubt it could get any clearer

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While I agree that the storylines are a bit loose in terms of total galactic fate, each has their own significance and are starting to intertwine. For example *SPOILER* the letter the Sith Warrior recieves at the end of Act III bursts the Jedi Knight's storyline back open. Will he find the real foe? Will his next acts face off against the Dark Council? Who knows. You've got to remember that the game is still in year 1 and the creators have left plenty of potential for new ideas.

The only concern I have is Act IV onwards means an increase in the level cap, so what will happen with PVP armor and HM Flashpoints?

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She's got a point. I know people may cluck their tongues at this, but look at World of Warcraft here:


Buring Crusade - Illidan was the clear villain, and his fortress of the Black Temple. In order to reach him you had to fight his lieutenants Vashj and Kael'thas. The lead up to these conflicts was prevalent throughout the Outland levelling experience. They WERE the big bad guys. They were the ones you had to topple. And everyone new it and hated them (partly due to having to deal with their minions, constantly, in the leveling experience).


Wrath of the Lich King - This took a bit further. You had constant interaction with the Big Bad Boss, the Lich King. He was your target. From the word go he was portrayed as a ruthless ******. The Wrath Gate (typically the midway point in Northrend levelling) only further enforced this.


Cataclysm - Big *********** dragon blows up the world. Hm. Wonder who the villain is? Throughout the Azeroth levelling, from 1-60 and 70-80 he was clearly your enemy. You foiled his plans constantly.


SW:TOR doesn't really have that same drive towards the big bad boss. Outside of the class stories (which, as the OP said, are small side storys in the big galaxy wide plot) we have no clearly defined overarching villain for everyone to fight. And also, as the OP said, our leaders need to be brought out more. I think I may have heard general Garza's name mentioned ONCE on my Jedi Knight at the end of a certain quest. My Trooper only knows Shan from the flashpoint holoterminals.

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I think what I am trying to draw out of the community is how good you feel the SWTOR story really is?


This is my view and I would be very interested in yours.


The Story behind SWTOR has been touted as its biggest asset. I tend to disagree, for me it is one of the biggest reasons the game has failed to impress so far (this is not a flame, I love this game and am sticking with it).


If this was a single player game the variety of stories for different classes would be impressive. However, I thought this was an MMO. Somewhere I could play with lots of my friends in a large guild whilst working with fellow players of the republic in supporting our leaders in a common cause.


What I actually feel is a bit of a bit-part player in a fragmented story, lots of side stories all kinda mingled into a huge galaxy. I have even read three of the associated books, again different bit-part stories in a big galaxy.


I have finished end game and again every instance a side story. I have no idea what the ultimate goal is. Dread lords are out, gree are coming etc.


The films at least had a story, defeat Vader and the empire, liberate the galaxy, big party yay!


An MMO needs a purpose, the side story lore is great don't get me wrong. But in my opinion the leaders need to be brought to the fore for all characters (I.e. my trooper hardly knows Shan and my consular hardly knows garza) and we need to know what we are fighting/working for. My guess is that it will all become apparent about 6 weeks before an expansion and then we will be moving on. That's not good.


Star wars is full of side stories/lore with tons of books we can read ourselves. It needs to be in the game but not the central part of it, this game needs its OWN story and it has none in my opinion.


Which is quite a damning statement if you think about it, give us a story please!


The smuggler bridges a nice gap between all the republic leaders.

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Thank you Tahri I think you understand what I am getting at.


Other than kephess I know little/nothing about the dread lords.


I want to know there names, where they come from, why are they bad, why do I want/need to kill them, what do I need to do to get to them?


At the moment we are general nobodies in the grand scheme of things that are being kept in the dark by our leaders. Not very immersive for me to be honest.

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OP is MMO player that doesn't think story and MMO's go together - got it


OP is wrong. how can you say if it was a single player game story would be great. but it don't work in this game. all it does is make leveling a pleasure and not a chore. its not like having the sory takes away from the MMO. there is steall raids (operation), instanced dungeons (flashpoints), PVP warzones.


having story has not taken the MMO aspect of the game away, all its done is make leveling better, and if you really don't like the story you only have to do it up to level 9 or 10, when you leave your starter planet, you never have to do another story quest again.


i really don't see how adding a new aspect like this, that is totally optional can be called bad

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Thank you Tahri I think you understand what I am getting at.


Other than kephess I know little/nothing about the dread lords.


I want to know there names, where they come from, why are they bad, why do I want/need to kill them, what do I need to do to get to them?


At the moment we are general nobodies in the grand scheme of things that are being kept in the dark by our leaders. Not very immersive for me to be honest.

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