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Illiterate Teenagers/Old farts in regards to the Community


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Not everyone is fluent in English as their first language, you know.


I don't mind too much if I can understand what someone is trying to say. I'm not going to jump down anyone's throat for mission a comma or capital letter.

No one is talking about people who aren't fluent in English either. However, people learning English are not learning English through chatspeak. If they are, I can't feel all that sorry for them. They need to get a proper education. tlking liek dis is not a sign that said person is foreign.

Edited by PinkiePiePower
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It is starting to get to me. At first I didn't say much. Constant comments in general which were always misspelt. You see I transferred from Frostclaw 2 months ago to Nightmare Lands and my honest to god question is did I transfer to a teenage community?


Honestly guys stop slacking and learn to spell. That goes for any age btw.


The title in itself is insulting, so the idea you're being rational is not gonna fly.


"Misspelt" Seriously, is that some kind of country slang? Do you understand how retarded it is to use the word misspelt, instead of misspelled? It's 3 letters.


Old farts? Well that's me. My accomplishments include sons, grandchildren, long life, love and lost. I owe no one anything. I own 2 vehicles, 2 homes. I have every toy you can imagine. Yet my life seems incomplete, because I have forgotten my highschool grammar.


Seems like you OP have something I don't have... good grammar.


By the way, it's common back when I went to school, to recognize God as a capital noun, capitilized!

Actually OP, your grammar suxor! U Suxor!

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I personally find it very irritating when people don't know the difference between your and you're... Or just type both as "ur". Also, other annoying abbreviations are y, r, ik, m8, use of "u" as a word in general.


Now, I understand if someone wants to use these abbreviations while texting with an older cellphone without a touchscreen and whatnot, but doing so in general chat / forums and such is just disrespectful towards everyone else. Especially those of us, who speak English as a second or third language. In addition, poor typing just makes me (and I assume I'm not alone with this) think the person behind the keyboard is an illiterate.


It may be faster, but in general chat/forums you are rarely in such a hurry that you can't type properly... And it gives a better impression to whomever is reading it. Consider typing properly a common courtesy towards us who speak English as a second or third language, thanks!

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Exactly. Language exists to serve communication, and never to rule over it.


I thought that comment was so amazing It deserves repeating. Language exists to communicate...it's the reason it came about in the first place. I don't need to know all the details of Latin suffixes and prefixes to get someone to help me kill an elite. Though it certainly helps if im trying to understand what the doctor is saying about my son's health.


I think that aside from the general conditioning we receive in our culture (you must follow the rules of english that we were given in school), we also tend to judge based on forms of communication. if someone comes up to us in game and says, "i hep u now" we think...jeez, this guys really needs to go back to school.


Yet...we completely understood what he said. for the most part. and it didn't take any longer to process that (for me that is) then it would to process, "I can help you now". to me it's about communication. if you CAN'T understand what they are saying....well that's a different story.


however, I find no issues with holding certain standards in communication (which was what our grade school English classes were all about). But I simply make sure I'm holding them in the right context. some of the ways I type in game I would never use at work in a meeting room or in emails. different environments. And I have the full capability to understand the difference.

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