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Legacy Ideas


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I'll just reiterate what some already said before I get to a newer idea.


- Legacy or Material cargo hold... 8 characters, 6 crafters and their respective mission/gathering skills and 2 more that are just gathers/mission skills. I have crafting material spread out across all 8 characters, a legacy/material cargo hold would go a long way towards cleaning up the clutter.


- Legacy Bank... Same type of situation, with 8 characters (possibly more in the future) Transferring credits is a hassle. Provide us with a mechanism that could allocate (pool) a % of credits received to a Legacy Bank Account.


- More side stuff like pod/swoop racing, gambling. Every time I run to the casino on Nar Shadda I think about how cool it would be to win that speeder at the entrance. You could make it exclusive and even change it out every few week/months.


- The Legacy tree that we have now is nice but it's private, is there a way that we can show this to others? That way others can see our other Characters.


- Legacy Heroics... all right here we go :) With all the work that goes into Legacy and the characters we have can we group up with our legacy characters to do new heroics specifically designed around this idea. I am not talking about using our characters to steamroll through the heroics currently available but new ones designed for our pool of characters.


Imagine this... My Sith Warrior, Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter & Agent team up to take down a NPC Champion Republic Commando Squad. Or how about a 2+ Heroic where my Jedi's face off with my Sith's as the final confrontation of a heroic. I would absolutely love to pair up some of my characters and work with or against them in different missions. The game could utilize my pool of characters to build advisories or allies for these missions. All that work that went into creating my Sith Inquisitor only to have the game turn around and use her against one of my other characters... I would s**t my pants, but the experience would be awesome. :)

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personally, i'd like to see Legacy crafting.. and what i mean by that is the ability to learn a second set of skills..

example, say you are an artifice with treasure hunting and arheology... it would be nice to learn, along with ( not instead of ) another set.. such as Biochem with diplomacy and bioanalysis.


if this isn't an option, at least make it so that all items crafted, included those stating bound to that craft, are now bound to legacy.

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That might be a little much (too powerful) but something similar I was thinking of is controlling the companions of our other characters, to send them out on gathering/crafting missions. That would be a nice legacy option.


personally, i'd like to see Legacy crafting.. and what i mean by that is the ability to learn a second set of skills..

example, say you are an artifice with treasure hunting and arheology... it would be nice to learn, along with ( not instead of ) another set.. such as Biochem with diplomacy and bioanalysis.


if this isn't an option, at least make it so that all items crafted, included those stating bound to that craft, are now bound to legacy.

Edited by Ayil
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